Human shit


Well-Known Member
Well if your looking to purchase some pm me, I'll sell you mine for a reasonable shipping for large orders. With Thanksgiving coming up I should have plenty of inventory.


Active Member
Hey guys, I have been reading all this bs about using human shit and I think that everyone has the wrong idea about how it's used. I have worked on a golf course for 25 years and have used a product called milorganite. Processed human shit. It's in a granular form like fertilizer and we spread in on greens when we aerated them. Using it straight on the greens was not dangerous but did stink the whole course up when we watered it in. I use it to mix in with my soil, 1/2 cup per 5 gal planter. It's completely safe and the plants love it. No funky taste in the buds either. Where I live we can't get earthworm castings so that's what I use.