hps vegging question

sikwidit bay kid 650

Active Member
so today i got my seeds in the mail and im germinating them now. i got and hps 150 (gotta start somewere) and i want to know if i can vegg my plant under hps and it will still grow fast.

Green Growbot

Active Member
I have just a 150 HPS also and i just started my second grow. The first plant I did died but it had nothing to do with the light. I had her in really hard clay like soil. Most of her life the light was 9-14 inches away from the plant. The growth was really stunted because the roots had nowhere to go because the soil was just too hard and when I watered the soil damn near turned to concrete. She ended up being 25" tall and 25" wide with 5 weeks left in flowering when I took the risk of transplanting her and she died the next day. Just stressed her to much. (made hash though so its all good) But when she is real small just make sure she is 15"+ away from the light or there will be a big risk of heat stress/burn.

so today i got my seeds in the mail and im germinating them now. i got and hps 150 (gotta start somewere) and i want to know if i can vegg my plant under hps and it will still grow fast.