HPS to CFL on stressed clones- a good idea?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I'm having problems with some clones I've recently acquired. There real small, they were just starting to get roots outside of there rockwell cubes and were put into solo cups with coco just before I got them. I didn't realize they were going to be so small, so the only light I had was a 600/400/250 watt hps. I gave them some half strength thrive alive and distilled water and put them under the light at 250w maybe 30" away (the guy I got them from had them under cfls). They started to curl up and yellow at the leaf tips after a day or two. I tried some half strength big bloom (a quarter of what the schedule says for clones) after watering them once with strait water but it didn't seem to help at all. Since then I have given them only distilled water. Two weeks later they are still alive, but have not shown any growth or development. The biggest leaf of each of them started to yellow (looked like n def) after a few days and has been slowly getting worse. conditions have been pretty good, humidity got a little low a couple times at 45% but its usually 50% 70-74f. Recently two of them got moderately dry (no where near bone dry) and started drooping a little (left two in the pic).

I decided the light was probably the culprit and bought a 125w cfl off amazon for $40 (wish I would have just done this to start with), but now I'm debated whether I should switch the light or not. If the plants have already adjusted to the light, will switching to cfl actually stress them more? I have heard of people putting young/sick plants under cfl for a few days to rehabilitate them, but does this really work? So should I try the cfl or just stick with the hps at this point? Also, should I stick with strait water or try some low strength big bloom or thrive alive again? As you can see in the pic, they are on there last legs, so any help is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Any comments? Since these clones have been under hps for two weeks is switching to cfl at this point a bad idea?


Active Member
hi mate

i do more a less the same thing as you with my clones ,when rooted thro root blocks i transfer to small hand pots filled with coco soil & i stick them back under the cfl for a little longer right close to the light ,when they have grown a couple of extra leaves got that bit stronger & taller & they look better -greener ,then i transplant in 10ltr pots with coco professional £13 bag ,pot all clones & put under my 600w hps light about 2 ft away on 18/6 ,i never give any nutrients for the first week or so nothing only water till they have got properly established & i know they have set off growing ,i know what you mean about not doing anything NO growth nothing happening .its happened to me ,im not an expert on this but i think you have put them under the light far to early they look very small & stressed ,i think you have done right putting back under the cfl light ,if you leave under the hps i think you will louse them .give them more time with cfl let them get stronger .

hope this helps