how's this look??


Well-Known Member
I haven't ever tasted a Seconal but I bet I could hold one pretty well. I used to take Molly sublingually to show what a badass I was. (that's me being sarcastic in case anyone was curious :) )

Racer have you ever had a good tequila? I can't drink shit like Cuervo. But I love me my Patron. Totally different.

Imagine intensely bitter, and sour, AND astringent.


Well-Known Member
I have tasted secobarbital, and I must say, on my personal eeww scale, methaqualone is nastier. It's the single most vile medicament I've taken by mouth. cn

I never found that methaquaalone tasted that bad, at at least the salt doesn't. I don't think I would sprinkle it over my cornflakes..... well, maybe I would.


Well-Known Member
Most drugs taste like crap. The only pure substance I can think of that tastes good is clonazepam and it's wonderful mintiness.
I'm on a burst of steroids (methylprednisolone) right now and they're pretty high up on the nasty scale.