how's my setup and plants look?


ya mann thos lights are gona make em stretch but anyways dude u talked about hps lamps dont use thos dude trust me hps lamp is red spestrum and will do the same thing with the cfl's just make them stretch u dont want that u want to use after the seedling stage is something with blue spectrum this spectrum keeps your plant small and super compact so then your weed will be much more strong er because of the consentration balance flow when it reaches its flowerring stage aka buding stage since the plnt is so small and compact the stem will be super thick and the leaves also the buds are gona be super cristalized sticky and skunky so wait a month and a half with the metal halide so the bud colonies can form then when the buds look thick eneugh and trust me theyl be thick skunky and crystaliiised ,youl be able to use the high presure sodium lamp so then itl stretch but it wont be an issue because of the thick stem the thick buds and leaves u should probly leave the metal halide there as u grow it with the hps lamp so when it stretches itl get thik at the same tiime so then youl get 4 5 oz plants but i think i remember reading that when your growing with the hps lamp it excludes the mh lamp so the red spectrum takes over the blue spectrum so id say use the mh strick i said dont use the hps till buds are colonized and thick then before the last month of growing change your light to metal halide again for better yield oh ya i should ad use lama poo for fertilizer its the best happy growing!!


New Member
ya mann thos lights are gona make em stretch but anyways dude u talked about hps lamps dont use thos dude trust me hps lamp is red spestrum and will do the same thing with the cfl's just make them stretch u dont want that u want to use after the seedling stage is something with blue spectrum this spectrum keeps your plant small and super compact so then your weed will be much more strong er because of the consentration balance flow when it reaches its flowerring stage aka buding stage since the plnt is so small and compact the stem will be super thick and the leaves also the buds are gona be super cristalized sticky and skunky so wait a month and a half with the metal halide so the bud colonies can form then when the buds look thick eneugh and trust me theyl be thick skunky and crystaliiised ,youl be able to use the high presure sodium lamp so then itl stretch but it wont be an issue because of the thick stem the thick buds and leaves u should probly leave the metal halide there as u grow it with the hps lamp so when it stretches itl get thik at the same tiime so then youl get 4 5 oz plants but i think i remember reading that when your growing with the hps lamp it excludes the mh lamp so the red spectrum takes over the blue spectrum so id say use the mh strick i said dont use the hps till buds are colonized and thick then before the last month of growing change your light to metal halide again for better yield oh ya i should ad use lama poo for fertilizer its the best happy growing!!
no dude, i know more about lighting than you do, clearly that was made obvious. so i for sure am not going to trust someone with such vague insight, your talking about CFLs making plants stretch is nonsense as well, just like HPS and MH or any lights now all offer so many different types of spectrums. learn more about lights please.

again another person who doesnt know what they are talking about but willing to help people with such little information, HPS bulbs are made by many different manufacturers, your realize that some people make HPS bulbs that provide "FULL SPECTRUM" not just the original specturm HPS originally came to be. again people need to look into things more before trying to help others and making them spend money on things they dont need to. there are HPS bulbs now that can give the same light if not a better spectrum than a MH. do your research, i hate to sound like an asshole again but i hate people talking about things they barely know anything about.

and that is absurd to be switching your lights that much, there is something called light poisoning, where a plant realizes and grows accustomed to certain lights, that is crazy to suggest to anyone to switch you lights that often during flowering, if anything 20 years ago you would grow with a MH bulb for VEG and use the HPS for flowering, not use MH for veg and flowering, then switch to HPS then switch back to MH, freaking crazy. where do people come up with this crap. you use one or the other, but like ive said a thousand times in this thread its not even needed anymore because bulbs have become far more advanced than they were 20 years ago, giving people the option to grow with only one light.. instead of needing 2 different ballast for vegging and flowering.

you also realize they have MH conversion bulbs that work with any HPS ballast of specified wattage, again you didnt mention that nor did anyone.


New Member
personally i wouldnt take tips from someone who doesnt even take the time to fix spelling errors, ive been growing for 6 years and dont even understand half of what that person is saying about thick stems having anything to do with the distance of node growth..