Hows my LST


Well-Known Member
I just did it 24 Hours ago. Four hours in a couple of them had already started to turn up, and got tied down again. I'm using solder wire.
The tanned leaves are from over watering the first couple weeks. They were sitting in a tray of water. Got it down now though and theyre doing well.



Well-Known Member
I dunno, can't decide between FIMin and LSTin. Still time to decide though! I do like how LST exposes more leaves to the light vs straight up plants though. 150w HPS so I need the most area I can get.


Well-Known Member
But it is so small I really dont see a reason for it yet. If you release her she will be thankful and if you wait until she gets another inch and fim her that woud be good.


Well-Known Member
I think the earlier the better also, if you wait too long the stem will be too stiff and you'll end up damaging the plant, keep doing it the way you are.


Well-Known Member
I think the earlier the better also, if you wait too long the stem will be too stiff and you'll end up damaging the plant, keep doing it the way you are.
I have had to lst a plants when they where in flower. Over 3 feet tall. Never had a problem just had to go easy. Just enough to make them bend from middle over to a 45 angle, so all the buds grew towards the light.
You can (over time) take a 3 foot plant or a 6 foot plant and take the top and tie it to the bottom.