Hows my FIM look?

Dandilion Patch

Active Member
Title says it all, how'd I do? Did I cut to far down and basically top it? Also I lollipoped one of my plants. How does that look? Thanks for the help!


So I tried to FIM myself and all it did was grow back and continue to grow up. Now isn't the point of FIMing the same as topping? To slow upward growth and increase side shoots? Maybe I have a stubborn strain?

Dandilion Patch

Active Member
Yes, fiming is different from topping because you are suppose to only cut about 80% of new growth off. Where as topping you cut off all the new growth. Fiming increases your chances of getting multiple tops (up to 8 shoots) where as toping only gives you two new tops. Sometimes it isnt very apparent at first, do you have pictures?


you'll know after a few days of growing if you did it right. looks to be about right. might want to go a little lower next time