How's my DTW system?


New Member
Hi everyone. First off, thank you to all members. Without your guys' collective knowledge on this forum, this wouldn't be possible for me. So here's to you :clap:

Now, here's my system. 0203142007a.jpg0203142011.jpg

And a little breakdown of what I have running and what I have going on. Have a few questions too if anyone wants to take a crack at answering em.
264gph pump running the show
184gph pump sitting on its side in the res to stir
2 port air pump leading to 2 air stones in the res
3/4" main line
1/8" lines leading from main line to net spikes

Two things I noticed today after getting it going for the first time.

1. I get run off fast! Like 30 seconds. Worried this may be rushing my water through the pots too quick. What do you all think?

2. Not sure if you can tell from the pics, but the bottom right part of the main line where it dips kinda low, nute solution ends up sitting at that low point after the pump shuts off. This gonna become a problem down the road?(mold,algae, etc. from the stagnant water.)

Not the best setup ever, but I took a crack at it and this is what I came up with. Well, thanks for your time if you made it this far.


Active Member
1. As long as the nute solution isn't rushing in so fast that it is uncovering the roots, you should be fine.
2. I'd recommend using black hose instead of the clear as you will find the nutes sitting in the lines will start to grow stuff in it. Algae particularly.
Halo rings work really well.


Well-Known Member
I use HH rings into Air Pots filled with polished ornamental stones (Dollar Store). I water for ~ 27 seconds every 45 minutes during lights on. Roots get a proper drink; rocks retain enough moisture and coolness between feedings

Everything is reusable

Melanie Clones in hot5.jpgIMG_2010.jpgIMG_2012.jpg

View attachment 2984282 HP Rez.jpg


New Member
I may give halo rings a try, however they're somewhere around 20 each so if I can get away with what I have now I will. I definitely like the design though. I remember seeing someone post around here a small local company based in CO that makes em for something under 10 bucks I think, might have to do some digging.

And at the first sign of any growth in those clear lines I'll definitely swap em out.

Also gonna add a Y into my line in the res with one end of the Y open so it's essentially cutting the flow in half(part of the flow just flows out and back into the res, adds to the stirrage as well). We shall see how it goes...

Anyways, I shortened the main line loop so it doesnt loop down and create stagnant water. Only time will tell if the fix works. One thing I feel people don't adress enough when discussing DTW systems is the danger of siphoning. IF your line is too low(below water line of your res), when the pump shuts off it'll just keep on flowing and flowing until your res is empty lol. I'm sure most of you pros around here are well aware of this, but from a novice DTW'er, something to keep in mind. I digress.

One watering and I already love the ease of use :lol: Was quite the pain though setting it up