howdy all


Active Member
oi oi ???????????????????
fuck man,just like school,i was always gettin sent out or suspended!!
lost ur moby,so was waiting till friday[ban lifted]to check ya.
Hope u are well,and the family.
your profile is set up NOT to recieve pm's,so change the setting,and were in buisness!lol
Missed ya bro.:joint:


Active Member
oi oi ???????????????????
fuck man,just like school,i was always gettin sent out or suspended!!
lost ur moby,so was waiting till friday[ban lifted]to check ya.
Hope u are well,and the family.
your profile is set up NOT to recieve pm's,so change the setting,and were in buisness!lol
Missed ya bro.:joint:

oooooooooooohhhhhhhh wooooot found me buddy, were ya been? looooooooooolz my bro, no @ the bay is my friend :( i caused a fooking riot,rcist bitches, and they wanna call me a grass,hahahahahahahaha fookin toss pots! cant seem to change profile, it says my account is waiting to be activated? its been days!!lol talk soon cool cat! pd mofo couldnt ban me ;)


Active Member
hey think the batterys in me keyboard are going! think the pm might be in order now bcb! try and hit me up.


Active Member
YEAH MAN LOL think it might have been me that was too stupid to send the pm,but sorted anyways now cos i just replied.
fuck em at "the bay" racist,predjediced wankers,we will just have to bring our experiences and our ears to somewhere with less politics,i wanna learn to be better,not tokiss-assall day .!!! Better to have one true,than 20 full of shits!!Lets see what rollitup's saying.Substandard is a member,but not that active,from the little i know anyways,thats a good sign for a start cos he only goes where he can get away with his games.
Anyway,enough orf this bollox,to pastures new my friend!


Active Member
rock on fella, i too say fook em , fook em all! hahaha substandard, ive smoked better standard bud than that space puff aka space queen, not even his strain,lol..