How to you get your new favourites?


Active Member
First off, that seems so silly, I've never been good with 'favourites', just like special, my old history teacher used to always say if everyone is special (as some people seem to boldly state of humanity and its...oddities), then by definition of special nobody is special...keep it simple stupid.

Anyway, on that note, I love stumbling across songs that your instantly glad exist, even before you know what it is or who's playing it etc.
Pure discovery.

Anyway, lame to post in a music thread without a recommendation, so here's the most recent occurrence of said phenomenon
(I don't force videos on people, because I might inadverdantly slow down their PC, as I would my own :() lol


Well-Known Member
pandora (til it keeps playing the same shit OVER AND OVER AGAIN)... youtube lol, i just keep clicking through related videos


Well-Known Member
What are my favorites? Well, I could probably cut my collection in half without any problem if I really had to. Half again? It could take some doing. Half again? It gets harder.

So, by definition, I don't have a favorite. But in looser terms, I have tons of favorites, and that can change based on mood and other factors.

How do I find new ones? Well, I often have on artist lead me to another. Radio - I only listen to KNBA. I also participate in music threads here and elsewhere - contributing and discovering all sorts of new things.