How to use MOAB Outdoors?


Well-Known Member
Hey what's up I was wondering when to use mother of all bloom out doors and how many times to use it this stuffs pretty strong so I don't wanna fuck up my plants. If anyones had experience using Moab let me know your method of using It and how it worked out for u thanks:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Im in the same boat man. I just applied it tho to 6 of my plants yesterday and sure as hell hope I didn't fuck anything up. I'm just following the bottle, mixed 1 tsp. In 5 gallons and I also added a lil fish emulsion and fed about a gallon to each plant (first week of flower)

Also gave to my ATF on 5th week of flower...ill let you kno what I,see the next few days but it would be nice to here from someone whose already been through a few grows with it.