How to Stop Debt Collectors and Credit Card Bills from Ruining your Life?


Well-Known Member
Are you unemployed and scraping to get by? do the Credit Card bills keep coming and never get any lower? Are you getting hounded by debt collection agencies? Usually you will get a letter from one of them stating that you owe them some amount of money ( a Statement), just make a copy and send the copy back with your letter that is written as such:

Dear (Corporation name),

I am disputing the validity of the claim. Send me a Bill, not a statement,to include a copy of the contract, validation of the debt, evidence of your consideration,and have it signed under the full, commercial liability of one who can bind your corporation in contract.

Date here,
Your Name, Agent

Most collection efforts will end right there as a bank or credit card company can provide none of that, especially hard to show a loss when the money was created by your signature. All of these must be proven for there to be a valid contract and for you to legally have to pay. Most people are intimidated by collection efforts and have their money unwittingly confiscated.

At the very least this will slow down efforts to collect on you.

Collection agencies have NO LEGAL standing to collect anything from you, they are 3rd party interlopers, tell them the same thing and they almost all go away.

This is not fool proof or intended to be legal counsel. It does work though, in many instances very effectively.


Well-Known Member
You seem open minded. Check out read about land patents. I'm thinking that if you get a land patent and actually own LAND not real estate that you can do w/e the fuck you want on you land as long as you don't hurt anybody or their property. Plus, no agency can enter your property that way unless you contract with them (by getting a land patent you severe your residence from the states control ie. property taxes.) So I think that would be a nice way to exercise your god-given, not state-given, right to grow marijuana without anyone being able to legally raid, tax, confiscate, incarcerate you or your property. Anyone who is pro "legalization" needs to wake up! It's already legal! No one can tell you otherwise. If we legalize and tax we are just giving away money for regulation that is not needed. Cool stuff man, I'm in the process of erasing some credit card debt as well as 2 mortgages at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Also, if your debt lands in the hand of third party collectors, there are so many ways to defeat them in court. They have to have original contract proof, contract agreement with the original lender (and all that were in between), proof of debt, fees, court fees, interest rates, etc. 99% of all third part collection companies are junk collectors and have NONE of this.

Additionally, if they ever tell you that you will do time in jail, threaten you physically, or continually call numbers, besides your primary number, then sue them! You will get the entire debt wiped away and they will have to pay you in damages.