How to quickly destroy plants/evidence


Active Member
Growing is a game of Russian roulette. You can't mitigate, it's purely evasion. Don't tell anybody, stay off the radar, and leave no obvious trails; that's all you can really do without taking costly/dangerous extreme measures.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
Throw a match and burn the whole fucking house! Don't be a pussy and do it right
not such a good idea there was a guy around here whose op caught on fire the fire department came to put it out. when they got it put out they seen lights and "suspicious" looking pots and such and called the popo. popo came and arrested the poor fellow. He eventually got out of it because they did not get a warrant. But more importantly he had a really expensive lawyer. If you have ever had a fire you know that they rarely consume everything. Something is always left. You may be joking about lighting a match sweetsmell but some here might think it would be a good option. Hell i've even considered the "light a match" strategy as a last ditch effort. But its deff. not worth it. my 2 cents
It would be cool to build your grow room into the hull of a rocket. If the popo bust the door down you can launch your op into space.