how to preserve buds without any maintenance

hi i have my buds now drying for approximately 10 days only. they seem to be fine and are quite smokeable.

i have a problem though. i am going to be away for 4 weeks. the buds are stored in a air tight jar, which i open each day now and ventilate. so while i am away i have nobody to do this for me.

i am scared that upon my return i will be faced with fungal disaster.

so how will i avoid this. is there a solution. as said the buds will be only 10 days drying.

thanks guys


Well-Known Member
well if the bud is pretty dry and the ambient humidity inside the container doesn't get up over 40% you shouldn't have to worry about mold...if you can find a vacuum sealer that would be even better :)


Well-Known Member
After 10 days, how do the buds feel? If they're basically dry, you're probably good. But like massah said, you need a hygrometer. A cheap one from any general store will work. You can find one small enough to work for around $8-$10. Personally, I think the best curing hygrometer around is the Caliber III, which you can find for around $30 (usually less) at a cigar store. Ideally, you want your humidity around 55% before you store buds long term.

The immediate solution to your problem is probably to lay the buds out overnight. If they're already been curing for a while, they'll likely feel too dry in the morning. If they're nice and dry, put them in jars. Then, when you get back in 4 weeks, they'll probably be good to go. If after laying them out overnight they still feel wet, your best bet is probably to put the buds in a paper bag and leave them in a drawer. A humidor would probably also work.

Since you said they're "quite smokable" already,I think you'll be fine with leaving them in jars for 4 weeks. In fact, they'll get a nice cure and be even better when you return.
right thanks. just another question tho. if the humidity is too high remember now they are stored in a air tight jar. is there any
thing to do to change the humidity.

also is there a difference between a hygrometer meter and a humidity meter i suspect there the same thing.


Well-Known Member
Hygrometer is a humidity meter. If you google hygrometer, you'll get better results. If the humidity is too high, leave them out to dry longer. You'll be sacrificing a slow dry, but since you'll be leaving them for 4 weeks, you're better off going in the jars a little dry. Also, you could maybe find some of those silica packets you find packaged with electronics and whatnot...they'll dry you out quickly.

Again, if your bud is already smokable, as in you can roll a joint with it and don't have to keep lighting it, you're good to go with putting the buds in jars and leaving them.