How to lose millions of dollars selling pot


Well-Known Member

In today’s Big Story podcast, this is not as impossible as it seems! All you need is a high price point, a total lack of marketing, almost no locations, and enough red tape to prevent fixing any of those problems. Congratulations Ontario! After one year of legal cannabis, your province takes the prize for the worst rollout.
So what went wrong? And what’s changing in Year Two that might help the province actually turn a profit selling a product that lots of people want, but not enough of them seem to want to buy from the government?
GUEST: Adrian Ghobrial, CityNews Toronto

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Well-Known Member
Doug was never able to aford his small weekly hash supply so he TRIED TO SELL IT AT JAMES GARDENS

and we all wonder why Ontariaririo lost millions?
It was an easy guess as to the way it would go... :lol::hump::weed: WTG Dougy..
fat fucken fautch I feel he be..:idea:
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