How to keep a Herm prone, strain from herming?


Well-Known Member

I still have some Tahoe OG seeds, and after smoking some NONHERMD Tahoe i REALLY want to try to grow some out with more success.
Is it possible to use Reverse and VERY good upkeep to keep it from herming?? Will the Reverse work if used right on time???

Or should i just feed the seeds to the birds? Thanks guys you are all so great at fielding my newb questions. Someday soon ill be a GREAT grower....maybe LV will let me sweep up his trim room then......:O


Well-Known Member
TBH i dont 100% remember.... but they are in a 6 pack some im guessing Fem'd. Just hoping the herm can be combated... i want to get some of the good fuely Tahoe taste:P Plus i am hoping doing so will learn me some good knowledge in case i ever have herm issues again.


Well-Known Member
Why not just find a proven Tahoe OG cut?

Cuz i live in Tucson and this Backwater doesnt have prime cuts like that(at least i cant seem to find any, but im also pretty antiSocial,((shocker right))
I have yet to find any good cuts down here so far. but i Am hoping to be able to perhaps make one.

I also have 4 Regular Mixed Cali Connection seeds (could be Blackwater, ogkush, Corleone, Larry og etc) So i will be DEF running those next, hopefully his Reg are better than the fem'd ....but im still being hopeful^^


New Member
I wish you luck...
Swerve is notorious for the herms right now...
His old stuff hit the mark for sure.
Ever since him and Rez got into it, his quality control has gone down severely.

I'm always weary about clones regardless.
Not saying good/legit cuts don't exist, they most definitely do, but the current market is saturated with crap genetics..
Unless you really have an established relationship, trust someone or were referred to this person by someone you trust, there is no way to know what you are getting.


Well-Known Member
I have friends that grow in tucson. the elite strains are there.
I can maybe help ya out.

Well hell man that would be great. Im trying to find a good strain or two to keep around so i can dial in my growing with a strain i know well. Any help would be great!!!

What sort of strains??

I DREAM of Cherry Ak-47....i KNOW its here... i KNOW it. I just lost the girls numb er and she doesnt work where she used to work:(
But ya man, if you are so inclined to hook a brother up, ill be forever grateful!!! Im a super calm, respectful, low key guy IRL. My asshole side only comes out when it needs to, Im much like the Hulk in that respect....... plus i wear purple shorts with rips in them.


Thank you for the consideration Kal-El.