How to get the most yield!


Well-Known Member
This is my first time growing and I want it to be a success an it will be! But I wanna maximize my yield any input would help on soil to use and nutrients. I'm goin outdoor o course and some in the ground. I heard LST REALLY BOOSTS your yield!


Well-Known Member
Good soil, lots of sun, and feeding enough, but not too much. And yeah, LST is (IMO) better than topping or fimming. More tops and little to no stress. Plus you can control the height that way


Well-Known Member
I think I'mma stick with LST too and I don't need lights it's outdoor. And trust me I'm not trying to complicate things I only am getting 4 clones and what ever seedling sprout I been reading up a lot on this te last few weeks and I think they will survive but I want something I can be proud of and brag about for the first grow. I was jus looking for the best nutrients to get the most yield not how to tend to then. I have helped a lot of friend la with there grow but haven for it first hand. So was looking for soil and nutt advice lol


Well-Known Member
Make sure not to throw you clones out into a full day of sun right away, they'll fry. Slowly acclimate them, few hours of morning sun, keep adding hours, they should be good within a week


Well-Known Member
yield is affected mainly by your environment and is the most important thing to think about. Second is experience yeah i know it sucks but you will have mistakes and or problems arise and thats what separates the beginner from the pros that get huge yields versus no crop at all. Lst is great but so is sog theres ten ways to skin this cat and thats where experience comes in.Some places or situations might need a sea of green for max efficiency some might need large plants state law and the infastructure you have will dictate whats best for you


Well-Known Member
I think I'mma stick with LST too and I don't need lights it's outdoor. And trust me I'm not trying to complicate things I only am getting 4 clones and what ever seedling sprout I been reading up a lot on this te last few weeks and I think they will survive but I want something I can be proud of and brag about for the first grow. I was jus looking for the best nutrients to get the most yield not how to tend to then. I have helped a lot of friend la with there grow but haven for it first hand. So was looking for soil and nutt advice lol
theres no such thing as the best nutrients, or this product will give you more yield. Even with high quality soil and nutes, it doesnt mean you won't fuck up, and a word of advise, be modest about your plants, and grow, even if it is nice. dnt go thinking because you pull of a harvest you got the cat in the bag and cease to accept info from others


Well-Known Member
Oh trust me I absorbe all the info giving to me. I don't jus think I'm right I like to hear others opinions that's why I'm even asking in the first place. I know the first Wont be the best but I want it to be good. What is SOG? And I have heard the LST increased your yield cuz there are more tops. Idk I guess I can jus experiment with my first crop see how it goes.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
The anticipation is the worst part, I am at 4 weeks of flower on my first grow and it is killing me.

Good Luck with your first grow and have patience.


Well-Known Member
We probably have very different growing situations, I'm not sure if your growing in backyard or a guerilla grow but either way I'd choose a good sized pot or grow bag to suit the size of the plant I wanna grow, and fill with a good organic soil mix eg , 40% manures,15% perlite, 15% compost ,30% potting mix,


Well-Known Member
I'm doing it in a backyard 2 in the ground and at least 2 in big totes and what ever is female of my sprouts. But ya I'm trying to be patient lol it's harder done the. Said haha but I'm taking it slow making sure I have everything I want in it not jus what everyone tells me to.


Active Member
dont over complicate things especially if its your first grow. LST and top if you feel comfortable with it. as far as nutes general hydroponics has an organic box called the GO box, i use it and its fairly simple. has everything u could need for the most part along with a feeding schedule but listen to your plants, they may need more or less than whats suggested. research research research, what you lack in exp can be made up for in knowledge. its much better to know about a problem you may not have to deal with than having a problem and not having an answer. good luck! :joint:

*edit* patience, u will need a lot of patience.


Well-Known Member
Yea my buddie has the go box and I feed it to his plants cuz he's in a wheelchair and is unable to reach all of them. I jus wanted to try something different then him. Lol
I went on like a 2 hour reading frenzy following one of those links...I've come to the conclusion FIMMING + LST (to support the extra branches) might be the best option. Basically just create as many branches as you want and then set up trellising (I think is the term) to support what you've done....Im pretty sure low stress just means take weight off of the branches to allow better dispersal of energy...meaning if one branch is hanging it needs more energy to support helping it support the weight the plant can spread that energy equally to other branches.

heres a good excerpt I found

Filming is not just effective practice for cola replication but also has other advantages and uses. I will first fim a few weeks after potting to effect and encouraging more branching. I will fim again about 15 days prior to the onset of flowering. The first filming creates more branching, more cola sites and thusly higher yield. At the second filming I fim EVERYTHIG that represents new growth. Not just the terminal ends of the branches. This takes advantage of what I believe to be a short period of the plant redirecting its energy toward more overall vegitative growth leading not only to increased bud sites but overall plant vigor as well. In conjunction with the second fimming procedure I will also continue to feed with the high nitrogen veg nutrients as well as the flowering nutes for at least the first two weeks of flower before finally switching to a full flower only nutrient regime. This continues newer shoots and bud site growth and formation for few weeks before the genetics of the plant yield to the 12/12 light cycle and go into full blown flower production. My harvest yield is way up over repetitive grow cycles and I believe this to at least in part the reason why.

This technique is especially effective when dealing with strains in which an Indica heritage is most predominant. It will turn a small tree into a large bush. In order now to fully utilize all the growth that this practice provides it is now more important than ever to revisit the effectiveness of your trellising practices. You are going to get way more bud sites, now you have to ensure that they all get their day in the sun.



I underlined the part that really got me. also it was another place that said indica/outdoor plants are best for this...I believe because of the control of the size of the hole/smart pot/whatever