How to get rid of dust?


Active Member
So the location of the plants makes them prone to dust (especially when combined with the location of the intake fan), they now have a decent amount of dust on them. Have any of you dealt with this? What's the best way to get rid of dust? Plants are probably a week or so away from harvest.

Was thinking maybe doing water curing, because that should get rid of the dust, but have also heard that it reduces weight a lot.

Any ideas?



Well-Known Member
you can use a pre filter on your intake fan, you definatly dont want to restict your fan too much though


Well-Known Member
yeah, but that's preventative...what about after the fact?
you can wash the buds briefly by soaking in a tub of water, That won't affect your weight. I had to spray my weed for spider mites late in the flowering so I did that, to remove the soap residue (just to be safe) I noticed how clean the buds were after (I have cats, their dander floats like feathers and lodges in buds easily)
Try to shake as much water out as you can before drying, the small buds you can partially dry in a salad spinner.


Active Member
I think the water cure idea is appealing because your buds are cured in seven days and 5 hours in a dehydrator on the low temp setting. Yes I've heard that the weight deminishes but potency is still there. Plus you'll know that the bud is clean.