How to get fluffy buds?


Well-Known Member

Bud density depends on the strain and grow style Cotton. Some strains are tight and hard (Flo) while other strains are airy and loose (Jack The Ripper). Soil tends to be tighter while hydro branches stretch a touch more and are fluffier.

What kind of effects are you looking for? Head high? Body Stone? Trippy? Relaxed? I have a couple of spectrum of effect reports linked at the bottom of this post, they might give you an idea of what effects to look for.



Active Member
why not just get a bunch of cotton candy to squeeze to your hearts content? hahaha

fluffy buds? grow a big plant, use cfls around it but not too close

Dont JUST look at genetics for a fluffy bud because light intensity and how close or far away it is determines how fluffy or dense your buds are gonna be


Well-Known Member
in all fairness, there are some 'fluffy buds" out there that are pretty tasty. they are light and airy but COATED in trichs. you hit it and it kinda just dissolves into the flame then coats your mouth and lungs with sweet, tender goodness.



Active Member
in all fairness, there are some 'fluffy buds" out there that are pretty tasty. they are light and airy but COATED in trichs. you hit it and it kinda just dissolves into the flame then coats your mouth and lungs with sweet, tender goodness.

made my mouth water haha


Active Member
in all fairness, there are some 'fluffy buds" out there that are pretty tasty. they are light and airy but COATED in trichs. you hit it and it kinda just dissolves into the flame then coats your mouth and lungs with sweet, tender goodness.

The Northern Hash plant comes to mind here!


Active Member
or leave them in a childs pocket for a few weeks with some half eaten sticky sweets.


Well-Known Member
try flowering under metal halide......
fluffy sparkly goodness.
be prepared to ruin some scissors....