How to Get a Legit Medical Card?


Active Member
There's a doctor on Durango and twain 80$$$ gets the ball rolling then u will need to wait for the state to accept. send em money ( I think 150$) and wait for ya card to arrive in the mail


Active Member
Sorry doctor/ referral service they will take care of all the paperwork for you and u see the doctor onsite 702 366 5255
You have mail the State of NV $50 just to get an application, then find the cheapest Dr. to sign off on it, then send it back to the state with add'l $150, so it is likely to be $350 to go legit, the Dr's "low" price usually only applies if you can bring your own medical records......and who can? If not they Up their fee.......but in my opinion well worth it to know your legally legit.


Active Member
You have to go to the DMV to complete the process (an additional $12.00) then the DMV sends you your card. As far as going to a referral service - this was posted by Pierre Werner on his website some time ago.

Hello Nevada Patients,

I have some sad news that we received from the Nevada Department of Health Division Medical Marijuana program.

Effective January 1, 2011 the Nevada Health Division Medical Marijuana Program will only accept application requests and applications directly from potential/current patients and caregivers to ensure traceability and confidentiality throughout the approval process. All Medical Marijuana correspondence and approval documentation will be mailed only to the address listed on the patient/caregiver request or application. Please make appropriate changes to your websites and program processes. Any requests or applications received from consultants after December 31, 2010 will be mailed back unprocessed. [Full post here]


Active Member
Hey buddy not to be rude but your info is false u go to the referral service give them 80$ fill out initial app see doctor and get a doctors referral they give u a packet u go get fingerprinted then the referral service will call u and say your initial app was accepted then u send the packet with a money order enclosed to the adress they tell u after a couple months u will either get the card in the mail or pick it up from the DMV depending on how busy the mmj program is at the time u won't pay more then 80& to the referral/ doctor unless ju r getting an affirmative defense affidavit


Active Member
My cuzzn just used this service a month ago If u don't believe me call the # I listed and ask em how the process goes


Active Member
The part where he described theprocess of getting your card I understand the health department may have changed it in January but it must have changed again cuz the referral service on Durango and twain did everything for my cuzzn just a month ago


Active Member
The part where he described theprocess of getting your card I understand the health department may have changed it in January but it must have changed again cuz the referral service on Durango and twain did everything for my cuzzn just a month ago
Has your cousin been approved yet or still waiting to hear back from the Department of Health? I know they are taking longer to process the application packages due to the increased amount they have been getting so it can take awhile to get notification of approval or denial.


Active Member
I'll post back after approval but I never heard of any one getting denied when they send the docs recommendation along with the packet


Active Member
Sounds good - I'd like to know how it all turns out. If it gets approved and was submitted by the referral service than I think it's safe to assume that the info that was posted regarding that is incorrect.


Active Member
I think your right. I'm assuming since the referral company took his money and said they were sending the packet for him that it must b legit or there scamming but that would ruin there good reputation and I don't think they would risk that. If they sent it off themselves it must b correct I would think they have the most up to date info. I'll let u know when he receives the packet back.


Active Member
It might take awhile to get it back. I just went through the renewal process and my card ended up expiring before the paperwork was processed. I sent in everything I was supposed to as soon as I could after receiving the renewal package from the Department of Health.There was more than month before my card expired so I thought that I had plenty of time - nope not the case. Word is that they are very busy these days. Everything's all up to date now and I'm awaiting my new card from the DMV so all's well that ends well but still what a fiasco! And on my dime! Can you say racket?!


I am a Nevadan as well and am interested in getting my card. So weedsLV, are you saying the cost for the referral is $80 and that includes the application that you would normally have to send $50 to Carson for? So altogether, the cost would likely be somewhere around $250 ($80 referral and application, $150 state fee, and about $20 at the DMV)? I suppose I could just call the number and get this info myself but you seem to know what is up. That really wouldn't be that bad.

My roommate got his card last year and I did all the growing. Come a month before harvest he let the fucking thing expire. Long story short, a couple of fucking kids hopped my fence and took my two biggest girls. A couple weeks later I was at my neighbors one night and saw popo roll up and stop. Didn't get out or anything but scared the shit out of me. As soon as he left I ran home and chopped and bagged my 2 remaining plants. It was a horrible, horrible end to a very enjoyable experience. Point being, the piece of mind that having my own card would provide is worth $250.