How to carry weed on a domestic flight


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

My friend and I will be flying between states in the USA. We will be there for three days and we want to sneak a little weed or oil with us. There are a couple of ways that I thought of doing it:

1. Keester it - Up the ol' poop chute:
Was thinking to compress an 1/8 as tiny as possible, put it in a condom, in a condom, in a
condom and stick it up my ass. Also could put a gram of oil in a plastic vial and stick it up
there. I would shit it out on the plane and just carry it off, no security check getting off

2. Swallow it:
Compress it, wrap in condoms and swallow it before going into security. Puke it out in the
plane bathroom.

I think both of these ways are safe. My wife has just put in in luggage in the past but that was before homeland security crap. Anyone else have suggestions?


Both methods seem... uncomfortable. lol.

But I would probably do the second if it is small enough. And if you aren't able to puke it up it would just get broken down by your stomach right? So no major health risks?

You could also maybe do:

Grind it up extra extra fine, take a shampoo bottle and empty it out and clean it well, then put the ground up weed in it. You could then put it in a smelly proof bag. or wrap it in like tons of bounce sheet then put it in a few ziplocks.

You could also maybe put in in a slit in a check in lugaggage?


Well-Known Member
IMO those are a little too rank for a little bit of weed, i would just tape it to the inside of your leg or in between your legs in a couple bags to smell proof it, and make sure you don't set off a metal detector and i would say your all good. Make sure it doesn't smell too bad though. You could also grind up the bud, roll it into cigs and put it in a pack in your pocket, heard of many people on here doing it. Also you should look for other threads on this subject, lots of them exist in toke n talk.


Well-Known Member
i always roll enough joints for my trip and stick them in a cigarette pack. make sure you don't set the scanner off, empty your pockets of everything, don't wear cloths with a bunch of metal buttons. the trick is to ease on through the metal detector without having to get scanned with the wand. not like my son who tried to bring a dager in his carry on, but that is another story.

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
am i old or just the only guy who wears the old school biker money belt with the zipper and shit? fuck a bunch of duct taping shit to hairy body parts, and smoking cigarettes aint where its at.


Well-Known Member
those all sound extreme but i was wondering this same question. they check your pockets right? lol
Last time I flew I had an 1/8th in my change pocket of my Levi's. Double wrapped.

I got a little paranoid as I could smell it for the whole flight, but it was just me.

Good Luck :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Before I medical marijuana patients could carry their medicine on airplanes, I hid mine in my pants :)

I'm a girl so I used girl tools.::2 panties and 1 pad::.cut pad through the middle to stuff in a vac-sealed 1/2oz, stick between 2 pairs of panties and wear on plane:hump: worked like a charm except I had to sit with my legs crossed the whole flight since every time I opened them up, very familiar and distinct sweet-skunky scents escaped through my crotch :lol: I didn't have any problems and I managed to get my DANK 1/2 oz to NYC from California on my person


Active Member
Before I medical marijuana patients could carry their medicine on airplanes, I hid mine in my pants :)

I'm a girl so I used girl tools.::2 panties and 1 pad::.cut pad through the middle to stuff in a vac-sealed 1/2oz, stick between 2 pairs of panties and wear on plane:hump: worked like a charm except I had to sit with my legs crossed the whole flight since every time I opened them up, very familiar and distinct sweet-skunky scents escaped through my crotch :lol: I didn't have any problems and I managed to get my DANK 1/2 oz to NYC from California on my person

That's a great method, very clever.


Well-Known Member
last time i flew i had an oz of coke with me. i keestered it... vvery uncomfortable to say the least and i was so paranoid. seems like it would be better to mail it to your destination and pick it up when you got there


Well-Known Member
Yeah or you could mail it and let the dogs find it and do 10 years FED time and then get out and work your whole life to pay the $100,000 fine.
Hi all,

My friend and I will be flying between states in the USA. We will be there for three days and we want to sneak a little weed or oil with us. There are a couple of ways that I thought of doing it:

1. Keester it - Up the ol' poop chute:
Was thinking to compress an 1/8 as tiny as possible, put it in a condom, in a condom, in a
condom and stick it up my ass. Also could put a gram of oil in a plastic vial and stick it up
there. I would shit it out on the plane and just carry it off, no security check getting off

2. Swallow it:
Compress it, wrap in condoms and swallow it before going into security. Puke it out in the
plane bathroom.

I think both of these ways are safe. My wife has just put in in luggage in the past but that was before homeland security crap. Anyone else have suggestions?
Go 3 days without it...............

Is it worth Federal Charges for smuggleing and a few years in Jail!!!

Go 3 days without it..............


keeping it in your pants seems like a good idea, or Just put it in a bag then inside of something like a shampoo bottle. obviously a super sealed bag to be in shampoo... this seems like a good idea lol


cant the xray machines see the difference between nicotine in cigs and something else? if you want to go the cig pack route, i would suggest using a machine to roll perfect joints and either keep half full or full pack with no cigs to show a difference. ive always made sure i dont set the metal detector off and kept an eighth in my pocket. if the metal detector doesnt go off and you dont have shit in your bag then you should be cool. i havent been on a plane since some of the new body scanners have been implemented. are we allowed to carry weed from la to sanfran since we are still in cali?