How tall are your finished plants?


Active Member
good, you got that covered
Yea dude i think i've got a pretty good set up, so its either me fuckin up or my plant, I'm curious to see how the 6 tops work out, they do just seem so small to me chopping off half their tops basically, but i figure if i trained them to have 6 from the get go they'd be pretty tall
i was curious as to how watching other plants with a similar length of veg were just huge compared to mine..maybe it is the tops alone, just figured mine weren't showing any signs of sickness so figured i was doing good, fuck i'm high i think i'm rambling - at least the strain is still great smoke i love the high


Well-Known Member
Yea dude i think i've got a pretty good set up, so its either me fuckin up or my plant, I'm curious to see how the 6 tops work out, they do just seem so small to me chopping off half their tops basically, but i figure if i trained them to have 6 from the get go they'd be pretty tall
i was curious as to how watching other plants with a similar length of veg were just huge compared to mine..maybe it is the tops alone, just figured mine weren't showing any signs of sickness so figured i was doing good, fuck i'm high i think i'm rambling - at least the strain is still great smoke i love the high
only train them to have six tops if its well withing the vege time, doing so during flower would be a very VERY bad idea.
also it doesn't get you any extra herb with a huge plant, unless you are outside, there is a "happy" spot, with plants around 2-4 feet tall, any bigger than that indoors, and it causes too much shadowing of the lower canopy.
Could be your strain man, I've grown plants absolutely perfectly and got sorry yields, its allllll about the genetics
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Well-Known Member
only train them to have six tops if its well withing the vege time, doing so during flower would be a very VERY bad idea.
also it doesn't get you any extra herb with a huge plant, unless you are outside, there is a "happy" spot, with plants around 2-4 feet tall, any bigger than that indoors, and it causes too much shadowing of the lower canopy.
Could be your strain man, I've grown plants absolutely perfectly and got sorry yields, its allllll about the genetics
Agreed, based on everything the op has posted, genetics seems like about the only answer. Time to buy some more seeds I think.


Active Member
Genetics genetics genetics.... clone ALL your plants your putting into flower that way if it's a good yielder or something you like about it you have the exact genetics and than you can clone the original clone a bunch of times a n d start a mother or two and get that strain down perfectly.

That's one of the thing many times over looked when someone yields are big that they've been growing that strain for years and know a lot about it and what to do /not to do to get the desired results.


Active Member
Agreed, based on everything the op has posted, genetics seems like about the only answer. Time to buy some more seeds I think.
only train them to have six tops if its well withing the vege time, doing so during flower would be a very VERY bad idea.
also it doesn't get you any extra herb with a huge plant, unless you are outside, there is a "happy" spot, with plants around 2-4 feet tall, any bigger than that indoors, and it causes too much shadowing of the lower canopy.
Could be your strain man, I've grown plants absolutely perfectly and got sorry yields, its allllll about the genetics
Well get this shit, I had a 10 pack of Jilly Bean germed and sprouted, day later they all disappeared...Well not necessarily disappeared but it looked like they all either just decapitated themselves or fallen over, the only conclusion i had was i didn't have enough water in the soil...Sucks... And I'm moving here soon so i had a perfect schedule to harvest Jilly Bean twice before i left but as you know....


Well-Known Member
Well get this shit, I had a 10 pack of Jilly Bean germed and sprouted, day later they all disappeared...Well not necessarily disappeared but it looked like they all either just decapitated themselves or fallen over, the only conclusion i had was i didn't have enough water in the soil...Sucks... And I'm moving here soon so i had a perfect schedule to harvest Jilly Bean twice before i left but as you know....
was it outside? cuz that sounds like slugs or snails.
And they LOVE seedling, don't ask how I know....


Active Member
was it outside? cuz that sounds like slugs or snails.
And they LOVE seedling, don't ask how I know....
Na just indoor, but good to know for outdoor, once i leave here I'm saving up for a house and i wana do strictly outdoor, well maybe some t5's for seeds and veg

But in Colorado, its way too dry for snails or slugs - maybe someone can correct me, but i think i could count on one hand how many snails i feel like i've seen here so fuckin dry (oregon is my dream)


Well-Known Member
I think you want the majority of your veg to be after the topping, cause they aren't building your tops until you are done topping, technically.

You can top the fourth or fifth node in beer cup then have two tops and lst them as soon as up potted so the node below produces 2 more..
Lst those and you'll be real toppy.

Only need to top twice of you want over 6 or up to 10 tops.
I like to clean up the bottom two nodes and take 4 clones if I can..

Yield wise, and general guides, when dialling in:

*600w HPS in a 4x4 should do 13-17 oz a pop. (1lb)
*A 1000w hps air cooled should do 32 oz (2lb)
*A china 400w LED will do 4-10 oz (1/2 lb)
*And 4 x 120w (480w) hi qual DIY LED should compete with the 1000w
*and 1x 600w DIY led should replace 2 x 600w HPS beautifully, without losing efficiency for the first decade (as opposed to every 100 days)

Alright I just planted my new set in their 7gallons i think i'll go in and take off some tops and veg a little before the switch..


Well-Known Member
You also want to climb up towards 3 to 5 gallons of really healthy soil per square foot (144" square) of grow space

75% of the floor space dedicated to soil,
Or 100% if sea of greening.

(up to 50 worms a cubic foot is great).

Training makes a huge diff I love LST. Try top, train, and clone same time, minimize shock days.
Each day in the life of an mj plant is like a year in our life.
Every day matters 365-fold.


Well-Known Member
i get 4 or 5 footers 4 per 600w and just around half a box per light on a recycled soil with some topdressing and a couple of teas. I only do 3 or 4 weeks veg cause theyre usually almost a couple feet after 1 month of veg i think they grow really fast with my strict foliar regimen.


Well-Known Member
We got a nine incher just days from finishing..

Also got a 30 incher growing an inch a day, an inch a night, right now, who flowers for 15 more weeks!
