how soon can i turn her on?


Well-Known Member
hello fam, i want to know how soon can i start using the co2 tank? can i start with seedlings or wait till the end of veg?


Well-Known Member
it works all the way through the plants life but mostly used in flower thats when the plant will require it the most i wouldnt use in veg just my opinion.


New Member
hello fam, i want to know how soon can i start using the co2 tank? can i start with seedlings or wait till the end of veg?
If you are not growing on a commercial level I would not even use Co2... You are wasting time and money.... But if you were to use the co2 I would only use it during flowering... Be sure to keep the room at 1500PPM... More than 1500PPM the plant will die.... The air you and I breath is around 300PPM... So the range of Co2 is 300PPM - 1500PPM

But like I said if you are not growing on a commercial level I would not even bother... For Co2 to be effective in the way you want the room needs to be COMPLETELY sealed with a ventilation system to exchange air...


Well-Known Member
If you are not growing on a commercial level I would not even use Co2... You are wasting time and money.... But if you were to use the co2 I would only use it during flowering... Be sure to keep the room at 1500PPM... More than 1500PPM the plant will die.... The air you and I breath is around 300PPM... So the range of Co2 is 300PPM - 1500PPM

But like I said if you are not growing on a commercial level I would not even bother... For Co2 to be effective in the way you want the room needs to be COMPLETELY sealed with a ventilation system to exchange air...
What PHX Fire says is pretty much spot on. YOu will need a COMPLETELY sealed environment or your fan will just suck the c02 right out. Are you pulling in cool air from another room/outside and running it through a cool hood for your light??


Well-Known Member
well a 4x4 tent two fans one on the light 6inch 440 cfm the other 6inch fan on the filther 440 cfm. the light fan is pulling the sir from out side the tent only to cool off the light. the filther fan comes on when ever i need it to or temps tell me to turn it on around 85degrees.


Does your filter fan just recirculate the air inside the tent? I would think if you're not bringing outside air into the growing area of tent your co2 enriched air should stay enriched. At least until you open the door ....

As far as when you should turn it on I was under the impression the co2 benefits the plants entire life cycle. In a more or less sealed room it would make sense to me that mature plants will deplete the co2 way faster than a set of seedlings. Probably a lot more important in flower for that very reason.

I was also under the impression that's there's no practical limit on ppm levels. Even at 1500 ppm the air is still 99.85% something else. Mostly nitrogen.

But I've been wrong before. LOL! Too may times to count .......