How reflective is Aluminum Tape?


Well-Known Member
Does Aluminum Foil Tape have the same back reflectiveness as a regular piece of Aluminum foil?
I am looking to build my own reflector for my CFL's and am wondering if anyone knows the answer. I am doing a micro grow and also considering lining the walls with the tape.


For a small grow you should consider using the dispoable aluminum baking tray's and such from the dollar store. Just cut them to size and they should work just fine. I personally have 2 aluminum roasting pans being used as reflectors for my CFL grow lights and they work great (cheap and effective).


Well-Known Member
bump... I was wondering for when I use the tape for the corners should paint over it with white paint or is just the tape better?

newb weed grower

Active Member
i thoguth that too
cause i had a rooom well a closet with regualr white paint not only did it maKE THINGS LOOK SO MUCH NEETER IT ALSO DID WORK QUITE WELL


Well-Known Member
Aluminum tape is just aluminum foil with adhesive on the back. So yes, it's the same.

You can also pick up a can of mothers aluminum polish, you can get a mirror finish on that tape..
