How old where you when you first started smoking marijuana?


Well-Known Member
ha yea i didnt start smoking until about 4 years ago 15 but within a week i was involved with everything involed with it :D


Well-Known Member
mum smoked when i was inside her,,,,,,,,so is that from day one for me?????
they smoked around me from day one sumtimes i was so room stoned or car stoned it was funny.


Active Member
Ok here is the story of a lifetime... HA HA So I played in bands, toured, drank like a fish most of high school and the following 3 years. Finally kicked the drinking just before I turned 21. Then drinking was an occasional thing. Don't quite know what the fuck happened from 22-26 but at this point my excuse is various girlfriends, random ones, and well a few years of that, and you can lose track of time... I met a girl that I went to school with and the funny thing is she was a stoner and I knew it, I hadn't touched it once. Well on the 28th birthday i finally got high, it was all right. First thing I thought was... "This is it?" I felt let down honestly. About a week later I had to try it again to give a fair chance before I really judged it. I was in a social environment and it was a much higher quality weed. I would describe it as the best controllable high Ive experienced. Highly preferred over drinking! Since that night I have had enough shit around I dont run out. I've honestly accomplished more in the last 2 years of my life high then I did before I smoked. Is it weed to thank? Who knows. Good luck? if you believe in that, maybe... Either way, I'm high, and the story is over.
