How old must a clone be to take a clone


Active Member
So I've got some Cheese clones that came off a Big Buddha Cheese mother which I grew from seed and was approx 4 months old when i took the clones.Now,these clones are two to three weeks old and around 8 inches high with some nice branches forming.My last bunch of clones have just not rooted after three weeks and I haven't got time to take more clones off of the mother and wait around for another couple of weeks to see if they root or not.
My question is can i take clones off of the clones which i mentioned above and will the plants be as healthy as if taken from a mature mother plant?


Well-Known Member
If you have the mother around take clones from the mother, that being said you can take clones whenever you feel they are big enough to work with.



Well-Known Member
Sure, you can take clones from them as soon as there is enough material to clone. I would worry more about why it's taking more than 3 weeks to clone. The conditions must be way less than ideal.


Well-Known Member
OP how do you clone? I read right pass the 'three weeks'.

Here is a clone at around 2 weeks, it has had roots since day 9 and is overdue to be placed into veg.



Active Member
Yes, what cloning method? Temperature of air/ water?
Thanks for all of your input guys.Ok,my ambient temp's range from 24 degrees C to 26 max,they're in a humidity dome with 80% humidity,misted once every morning and i also mist the propogator too.I sterilize all of the blades i'm gonna use and use bottled water to start.I'm doing all that the tutorials tell you to do.I'm taking cuttings 3-4 inches long with 2-3 nodes from the lower branches only,45 degreeish cut straight into clonex then into root riot rooting blocks.I'm thinking it's the mother plant.She's only 4 months old and some of her branches are red and woody.I've got an AK47 mother the same age and i'm feeding them both Biogrow 2ml per litre NPK 4-3-6 and the Ak looks fine,lovely green branches with green flexible shoots.
I leached the soil on the cheese mother last week cos she looked a bit dry and root bound so I've just taken ten more cuttings from the greenest shoots and gonna see how these get on.If they fail,I'm going back to seed cos I've had no trouble with germination over the last few grows.
Ru4r341,love the look of those clones my friend.Oh how i wish mine were like that but hey,it's all experience,I have had some past success with cloning but i'm losing confidence cos my last two have failed but hopefully my mother will recover( i'm a poet and i didn't know it) and everything will fall into place.