how old are the people in here ?

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
31 but looks hella younger than that. If I told you my age you wouldn't believe it. I got pulled over once by a cop ran my info. And said "damn you look young." "What's your secret?" He said.

I said you won't believe me!! He said " come on tell me" so I told him. "Good friends,happiness, and lots and lots of weed has been toked" He didn't say nothing gave me my license said you can go. The look in his eye was priceless :hump:

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
22 years young. Been growing since i was 8 years old, after witnessing my older bro(30 now) guerrilla growing in the woods behind my house, i started helping him, smoked my first joint that day. it was a good day. began growing for myself since i was 17 but had alot of experience helping my brother out.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
22 years young. Been growing since i was 8 years old, after witnessing my older bro(30 now) guerrilla growing in the woods behind my house, i started helping him, smoked my first joint that day. it was a good day. began growing for myself since i was 17 but had alot of experience helping my brother out.
That's what brothers are for


Well-Known Member
I will hit the half a century mark this year. Been smoking for almost 38 years...damn, I..............ehhh never mind, I forgot. :eyesmoke:




Well-Known Member
Does anyone else read the thread title in an admonishing womans voice with the emphasis on sarcasm and she does an eye roll at the end.

edit: hsf, enjoy your youth! It really can be a great time. Don't get so screwed up you forget it all!


2 3 here

i have a lot to learn from the older generation of bud smokers, not a hater of age, cool people are every age!

okay now everybody take a hit for every year you've been alive!!!