How often should I fertilize?


Hey...plant switched over to 12/12 a few days ago. I am about to begin fertilizing the plant with the proper nutes for flowering phase. What is a good rule of thumb for how often I should fertilize? Every few days? Once every 2 weeks? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Most guys I know do it every other or every third watering.
Depends on whats in there, how the fast the plants use it and how fast it evaporates.

I would feed once, wait a week. Then add 1/2 strength to them every other watering. You dont want to over nute.

Good luck.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Hey...plant switched over to 12/12 a few days ago. I am about to begin fertilizing the plant with the proper nutes for flowering phase. What is a good rule of thumb for how often I should fertilize? Every few days? Once every 2 weeks? Thanks!
It depends what nutes you're using, and how often you have to water, but basically use half what it says on the directions, and then work your way up.

I flush the veg nutes in the second week (12/12) with a dilute mix of bloom nute, and then start them @ half strength


Well-Known Member
ya like every 3rd water or so... be careful.. alota ppl think more nutes=more bud but if u do it can lead to other probs like stunned growth for example... and then u think it needs more nutes cuz its not growin so u give it more to compensate... b4 u know u damaged the plant real bad.. its like a snow ball effect... here check this thread... its very informative... good luck!!!