How Not To Grow Dope


Well-Known Member
Getting robbed is the preferred outcome. More often than not, the aggrieved party dobs in the grower to the pigs.
True, only a small percentage of people will have the balls to do the robbery, the majority of the ball less asswipes would rather run their mouth to Johnny Law...


Well-Known Member
If this doesn't get stickied - I'm going to protest.

I was nearly pissing my pants I was laughing so hard. .... and I wasn't even fucking stoned!!!!

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Be ashamed! :lol:

I don't bite noobs- I only pick on people who do silly things and who really ought to know better.

ricky ronatello

Well-Known Member
If you have been around for awhile this is rofl funny.

i have never grown a plant in my entire it hard or is mostly based on the genes of the plant??? i have read some books and shit but i will not grow marijuana unless i have a rather live in my house

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
i have never grown a plant in my entire life..
me neither.

is it hard or is mostly based on the genes of the plant???

i have read some books and shit
I have done both, myself.

but i will not grow marijuana unless i have a license......
I have a licence. I'm not sure this one's for marijuana, but by gum, it's a licence.

id rather live in my house
As opposed to racing monster trucks in it? :lol:

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
It's not the person growing- it's the conditions the person provides. Even seeds from some crappy mexican outdoor commercial shit will grow reasonably good dope for you if you provide sufficient light, correct temps & ventilation, proper nute strength, etc.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
oh my god , as soon as i saw that fork propping up that sprout i burst into uncontrolable laughter , i ve just been crying with laughter for the last 15minuites the muscles in the side and back of my head are killing me lol seriousley not laughed like that since smoking 'squiggy black' on bucket bongs when i was about 13 .


Well-Known Member
oh my god , as soon as i saw that fork propping up that sprout i burst into uncontrolable laughter , i ve just been crying with laughter for the last 15minuites the muscles in the side and back of my head are killing me lol seriousley not laughed like that since smoking 'squiggy black' on bucket bongs when i was about 13 .

i know how you feel, everytime i think about that picture my sides hurt. i honestly couldnt stop bursting out into laughter every time i thought of it.

edux10's quote was funny to, your plants got a fork growing out of it.... pure genious :-P


Well-Known Member
does anyone remember the "35 day old mid grade plants" post? haha

and does anyone remember all that BS about birth control pills used to make plants fems haha

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
'mid-grade' - what a hoot. As if a person wakes up one day, thinks to themselves, 'Gee, I think I'll grow some ordinary dope today.' :roll:

Wives' tales about BCPs and cannabis plants go back to the early 1970s. Unintended pregnancies must go up when these rumours spike in popularity, but the prevalence of female cannabis plants stays right about the same old 50%.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Human faeces are known among gardeners as 'night soil.' You don't want to go do a poo in your garden patch, though. All manures must be composted before use on plants, at least a year or so.


Well-Known Member
good to know, maybe thats why my dope always tasted like shit. ill try that next time. Al B. My septic tank is only emptied every 5 years or so, you think this might be safe to use?