How NOT to get busted?


Active Member
there is no key to not getting busted it just happens i would just say make sure it doesn't leave your family and if and when it does and i'm sure it will you get rid of that shit and quick


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone. I'm new here and I've been getting interested in growing. I don't smoke marijuana at all, but all my friends and my uncle do, and they're ALWAYS asking if I know anyone who has any pot, so I figured, hey...Why not grow and be able to say "Yep...I do!" right? Right.

This is my main concern, though...Getting busted. Not by a family member or a friend, but by the DEA or the cops or what have you. I won't lie to you...I wouldn't last a day in prison. I'm not worried that I'd be stupid enough to make it OBVIOUS that I was growing Marijuana (by letting everyone know about it, etc), but I was wondering if there is anything I should know about that cops use to bust people.

I'm aware that stealing electricity or something would be a choice leading you to get busted, and I wouldn't do that anyways, but is there anything else? I keep seeing pictures on the 'net of grow rooms that got busted and I can't help but wonder...How did they get busted? What did they do wrong? Was it just that they got caught selling and their house was raided? Or was it something else?

I guess my friend is Canada made me paranoid the most...He said the RCMP will raid your house if your electricity bill jumps up a lot for no apparent reason, suspecting you of growing Marijuana. I highly doubt that would happen, but I need some reassurance...Afterall, it's not to be taken lightly...Getting busted would suck.

I was thinking about growing about 8 plants...How many lights would I need? Two HPS and 2 Fluorescents, I'd wager? And if so, does anyone know how much that would bump my bill up? I'm not worried about money, I'm just worried about...Like I said...Someone at the electric company getting suspicious. I'm sure it's all automated and they don't manually check it, but I'd just like someone to tell me "You're being paranoid. Are you sure you don't smoke pot?" :P

Anywhoos, just thought this would be a nice little discussion. I'm really looking forward to growing...It seems like it'll be really fun. :mrgreen:
stop bitchin, if your worried about gettin taugh then just dont do it like wtf is this shit?


Well-Known Member
if youre in a decriminalized state or whatever, medicalized state i guess, is it a lot less sketchy growin? i mean nobody really knows who has their legal card and who doesnt. just thinkin


Active Member
i'd say its more safe telling your friends than posting pics of your grow op online. you know authorities use the interwebs too?>:o


Well-Known Member
1. dont tell ANYONE you grow, when you sell just tell ppl your flipping bags
2. Get a carbon filter and inline fan to get rid of the odor $200 -do it right!
3. For 8 plants i would get a 600hps $200
4. Get greenhouse fems, cheap and all girls $60
you will yield 300g of the best weed anyone you know has after 13 weeks and it will cost you just $500


Well-Known Member
ya id love to // i cant stand the little basturds // i should plant some ragweed in there garden and turn them in

best idea ive heard all day, make sure to nurse it to like 10 feet tall then quick transplant and boom call the police. Then pull the whole they were just always trouble in this neighborhood, blah blah blah..


Well-Known Member
im growing up to 200 this year most outside ... way the fuck away from my house

Now, I think 200 plants are a bit much. Even for outside. I know you had to scatter them. Now does that increase your chances of getting busted or increase the amount of harvest? or BOTH? lol And if you didn't get busted, how the f*ck do you do all this by yourself? I thought of gorilla growing when the weather changes but I am hoping to stumble upon a couple places first.


Active Member
Hi I'm very very much interested in growing some good Sh't. But I don wanna be busted. I live in da top floor of thre stories building. Not planning of telling anyone about ma plans. But kinda scared of the electricity company. And fire hazards...... Planing of growing about 10 plants or more. Any tips please????? I could use any good advice. Please help me out.:leaf::weed::fire::spew::hump:


Well-Known Member
Just DON'T say anything about anything to anyone pay your bills on time cover the smell and light leaks, And you will be just fine!


fat sam

Well-Known Member
indoors the power wont get you raided alone, the only time power comes in to play is when there are big grows running thousands of watts, for your 8 plants or so i would suggest you get a 600 hps, odor control is another thing you will need to pay close attention to in order to stay covert, sadly enough snitches are your biggest risk so dont tell a soul


Active Member
you never know when word of your grow could fall into the hands of a narc, or someone who would narc. i have a freind who got busted with 3 plants, all seedlings and hes gettin locked up for 130 days and no way out of it. and the person who ratted was someone who he thought of as a freind, you never know. walk softly, leave no trace.
There is a way around it, it's called cash and a good lawyer I know guys who have Been growing 100+ plants for years


Active Member
Hey. keep your grow to yourself. I am peaking at the moment because I had to tell my three flatmates about my grow yesterday. Until then it has been kept real quiet.
If you are trying to keep things on the low try a stealth set up, you don't even need a big set up. Check out my current grow journal for some cheap, effective discreet growing ideas.


If you're in a Green state, get a medical card, even if you don't personally smoke. It allows you to grow a few plants, depending on the state.