How much will these plants yield?


Well-Known Member
umm i use a 250w hps an mine dosnt look yellow in pics u can tell something is wrong with ur lady by her yelow fan leaves . and this early in flowering id be asking what to do to fix it.


Well-Known Member
Did you even look at the pictures? How is my plant 90% yellow... wtf
k listen up newb.. seasond growers r given u helpful advice quit comin off like a dick or trust on this site ppl will stop helpin u.. sorry u think u know it all already but i can guarantee that most of us have forgotten more then u will ever know..

secondly your plant is showin signs of nute burn and nitrogen deficiency. your plant should be yellowing from the bottom up the further into flowering and closer to harvesting u some.. yours is ass backwards which means there is a problem.. but hey what do i know


go get your eyes checked... i can see the other plant behind the one your showing me and all i see is yellow on that one to like give me a break can somebody PLEASE tell this kid his plant is now green its yellow and hes fucking retared i cant even do this IM OUT i cannot talk to someone who post pictures of a yellow plant and says its green and says he feeds it everyday... this thread shouldnt be called How much well these plants yield? it should be under plant hospital saying... "New grower need help bad plants almost dead still one month of flowering!!".......... and if you really think its your light doing that TAKE YOUR PLANT OUT OF THE ROOM AND TAKE A PICTURE prove me wrong...


Active Member
dont take offense mate, they are just trying to help you get the best from your plants. Its common knowlage not to feed all the time in flower.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
1 month approx into flowering.

Nirvana Northern Lights

Watered every 4 days with Tiger Bloom + Big Bloom and Unsuplhered Molasses my goal is atleast 2 total ounces.. what do you guys think I will yield? I still have one more month to go.
22 grams per plant more or less

what lights are you using?


Well-Known Member
lets see the top out of light, i can see yellow spots all over near the top, do u spray ur leaves?

Hash Lover

Well-Known Member
I see what you mean about the difference in the 2 sets of pics. If you think they are wrong try posting pics in a better light. I'll just have to say on my first grow I did the same as you are and did it all through the grow right to the end, and I burned them by miss reading the early signs. I did get a good harvest though. 2 plants about 24" tall and yielded a little over 5 oz from the 2. These are the ones. Notice there are no big fan leaves left at this point. My foliage looks so much better now with huge leaves and looking great. I believe that's because I cut down on the nutes.


Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Here is a picture outside of the room that you guys are saying that is 90% yellow.

Does that look 90% yellow to you?

Because if it is I really am I loosing my mind.
They look too green :mrgreen:

They aren't getting too much nitrogen are they?


Ill get a pic of the top in a second, and I did spray my leaves a few times actually.. was dumb was attempting a foliar feed and I'm pretty sure they got burned from having the little droplets of water on them in the intense HID heat.


Well-Known Member
Ill get a pic of the top in a second, and I did spray my leaves a few times actually.. was dumb was attempting a foliar feed and I'm pretty sure they got burned from having the little droplets of water on them in the intense HID heat.

Well ok , that explains a little for me with trying to spray them .


are you seriouse man actullary look at the picture i see a bunch of burnings leafs.... so GREEN CROSS you think your subpost to feed you plant everytime you water?


This is the last pic I'm posting for today I'm not moving my girls around anymore.

Too bad my plants are 90% dead and yellow



Well-Known Member
This is the last pic I'm posting for today I'm not moving my girls around anymore.

Too bad my plants are 90% dead and yellow
it looks better in that pic , but imo i wouldnt try to folicar feed again makes then plant look nasty with all the little spots/