how much water with creatinine


Well-Known Member
I take two scoops of N.O. furry which has roughly 6000 mg of creatinine

But how much water do I really need to drink for it to be most effective

I can tell a huge deference from the beginning of the summer to where I am now

I did pretty good for myself I think I lost alot of fat but I didn't lose weight Much

I had a beer gut and small man tities from 6 months of heavy weed smoking and nights of ice house and liquor

No pecs or abs but I definitely dont have much of a gut anymore


Well-Known Member
Ya need to drink alot of water with creatine, but you have to get a little bit of salt in there with it, otherwise your body wont hold the water. I dunno, I get a bit puffy when I take alot of creatine, and when I cycle off I loose alot of water weight. On the plus side is that im not nearly as sore when taking creatine.

Off the top of my head when I was using BSN cellmass, I was drinking around a gallon of water a day.


Well-Known Member
Ya need to drink alot of water with creatine, but you have to get a little bit of salt in there with it, otherwise your body wont hold the water. I dunno, I get a bit puffy when I take alot of creatine, and when I cycle off I loose alot of water weight. On the plus side is that im not nearly as sore when taking creatine.

Off the top of my head when I was using BSN cellmass, I was drinking around a gallon of water a day.

Oh okay so a little more sodium in my diet while on my cycle?


Well-Known Member
The whole point was to get a little sodium in ya to help with the creatine, 8oz is plenty. If you want another sodium source thats fine. mix it with it. From what I understand creatine needs sugar too.. alot of them mix it with sugar anyways. but plenty of glucose and sodium in gatorade, and it worked great, good post workout drink you ask me.


Staff member
The whole point was to get a little sodium in ya to help with the creatine, 8oz is plenty. If you want another sodium source thats fine. mix it with it. From what I understand creatine needs sugar too.. alot of them mix it with sugar anyways. but plenty of glucose and sodium in gatorade, and it worked great, good post workout drink you ask me.
im a nutritionist that is not a good post work out drink


Well-Known Member
Unless you're training like an athlete - which the majority of fitness enthusiasts are NOT doing - gatorade, powerade etc, is a waste of time and will NOT rehydrate any better then straight H20 - there are plenty of studies on this :smile: Water is king - or queen depending on your perspective ;-). With creatine, you want to drink a ton of water - bottom line. Urine will consistently be light yellow to clear and you'll likely be making trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night. If you're seeing results the creatine is already doing what is should be - making you feel better and continue down this path of wellness. Yes, I feel that most supplements are not really necessary and are most effective at a professional level (bodybuilding, sports). For everyone else, it is more a borderline "placebo effect" because it is doing more for our self conscious then for our bodies - especially if it is being used incorrectly. I use creatine and a whey supplement regularly myself, but I've been working out for over three years. Might I recommend Intermittent Fasting? It has shown me some pretty impressive results over the years and depending on you're metabolic type, can work quite fast (pun intended) lol. Good luck :) :peace:


Well-Known Member
Unless you're training like an athlete - which the majority of fitness enthusiasts are NOT doing - gatorade, powerade etc, is a waste of time and will NOT rehydrate any better then straight H20 - there are plenty of studies on this :smile: Water is king - or queen depending on your perspective ;-). With creatine, you want to drink a ton of water - bottom line. Urine will consistently be light yellow to clear and you'll likely be making trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night. If you're seeing results the creatine is already doing what is should be - making you feel better and continue down this path of wellness. Yes, I feel that most supplements are not really necessary and are most effective at a professional level (bodybuilding, sports). For everyone else, it is more a borderline "placebo effect" because it is doing more for our self conscious then for our bodies - especially if it is being used incorrectly. I use creatine and a whey supplement regularly myself, but I've been working out for over three years. Might I recommend Intermittent Fasting? It has shown me some pretty impressive results over the years and depending on you're metabolic type, can work quite fast (pun intended) lol. Good luck :) :peace:

What is it


Well-Known Member
I use Creatine both pre ( with breakfast ) and post-workout (iImmediately after ) and consume massive quantities of H2O a day. I definitely find that Creatine improves my stamina during workouts. I would guess I consume in excess of a gallon a day of H2O. As a footnote, every person should climb out of bed and immediately drink 12 oz of water to get the internal organs up and at 'em.


Well-Known Member
I use Creatine both pre ( with breakfast ) and post-workout (iImmediately after ) and consume massive quantities of H2O a day. I definitely find that Creatine improves my stamina during workouts. I would guess I consume in excess of a gallon a day of H2O. As a footnote, every person should climb out of bed and immediately drink 12 oz of water to get the internal organs up and at 'em.
Agreed. I always wake up with a tall, 14-16 oz glass of ice cold water. Studies have actually shown that drinking ice water immediately after awakening can boost your metabolism during the day by as much as 30%. Agreed also on the gallon a day - or more. ;-)
What is it
IF? Well, all it is is an eating schedule and there are many variations but I follow a 16:8 schedule. So, I don't eat from say 10pm at night to 2pm the next day then I eat my daily caloric needs (a lot). You're body eats waste during fasting (autophagy) and HGH (human growth hormone) sky rockets (literally a TWO THOUSAND % increase in men and about 1200% for woman). I read a book recently based on the logs of a doctor from the turn of the century, "The no breakfast plan and the fasting cure". Back then, if you got sick, the doctors would generally prescribe whiskey, milk or a combination of the two. This one doctor, whom the book was written after noticed that when people didn't eat, they in fact got better faster and many didn't die (which was often the case, being force fed whiskey ten times a day and then having to drink milk on top of that wreaked utter havoc on the digestive system and left many unable to recover from whatever they were ailing from in the first place). Anyways, this doctor started prescribing fasts and the results were amazing. To sum it up, these people felt better, were losing weight, gaining strength and health. Thing is the book was never recognized until recently, when people started having access to scientific journals in full context and the pharmaceutical companies couldn't hide it anymore. I like to think of it as the hunter gather lifestyle. We didn't always have food whenever we needed it and our bodies evolved around this. :peace: Check out Martin Berkham or the Hodgetwins on youtube. I prefer Martin but his videos are limited so you're stuck with his blog (still good).
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Well-Known Member
Back when I played football on varsity and we had two a days (practice from 3:30pm to 9:30pm) N.O. furry definitely helped cuz of the creatine

If I'm pushing someone im using the muscles to push and when I used creatine my quads , cheast and triceps got bigger and stronger plus the caffeine definitely helped

I hate people who are against creatine

Its legal and it works so stfu


Well-Known Member
I have not taken creatine in years but my understanding is the forumla thats not water soluble is much better than the normal water soluble stuff.
I know guys that take a urine sample and leave it outside overnight durring cold times, to see how much creatine re crystallizes in it, to give a idea on assorbson

Big dog11

Don't take more then the recommended dose.And drink lots of water

As a retired pro powerlifter I know it worked for a quick weight gain and very mild boost in strength for the first six weeks then it trailed off to nothing

If you train hard it is worth the risk of kidney damage.....the average couch potato that doesn't lift should steer clear


Well-Known Member
No need to cycle kn n off creatine it takes arounf 4 weeks for any to leave ur system n ur body produces it naturally anyeays so its uber safe. Reccomended does is 5000mg so,no nerd for.the 6000 n we dont want bloat lol dring more water n dont add salt (sodium)to anything its already in fucking everything n eat a darn banana or advacado(more potassiumthen a banana) a day, potassiumdoes the opposit to salf n pushes out moisture..dont listen to that dumbass lol the mods right btw