how much water is enough???


Well-Known Member
I have 2 purple power plants outside and they are about 4 feet tall. They are looking great and I water them twice a week. My question is I am in So Cal and will that be enough all summer? Or will I have to water at least 3 times a week. Any good advice would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
put a five gallon bucket with a slow drip close by and they should be fine for about 5 days to a week...but if you want them to be huge water them everyday...i give my plants 20 gallons a day, EACH!!!


Well-Known Member
It depends on the soil's ability to hold water, temperature, and I'd imagine on if it was cloudy all week. That being said, I would assume you could continue with your watering schedule...however you may have to eventually increase how much you water to a point where it will be more convenient to you to water more often.


Well-Known Member
It depends on the soil's ability to hold water, temperature, and I'd imagine on if it was cloudy all week. That being said, I would assume you could continue with your watering schedule...however you may have to eventually increase how much you water to a point where it will be more convenient to you to water more often.
well put!!!p.s nice avatar!!!!kitties aren't supposed to smell like dope, ther'yre supposed to smell like kitties. lol


i don't think anyone actually answered the question yet.

surely, u should not follow glassblower3000's advice by watering every day.

I would say 1 week max without water, 2 weeks and they are dead.


Well-Known Member
i don't think anyone actually answered the question yet.

surely, u should not follow glassblower3000's advice by watering every day.

I would say 1 week max without water, 2 weeks and they are dead.
The question is unanswerable because there are umpteen variables.

I wish I could say 'water every 87 hour, on the 87th hour' but it depends on everything...which is what I tried to explain in my post.

If he said, 'If I water five gallons each watering, how often will I have to water?', then someone in his general location and with some experience could probably give him a halfass close answer. But when you just ask 'when will I have to water?' there is no answer.

If you only give it four ounces at a time, you'll probably have to water every thirty minutes. If you give it 100 gallons at a time you'll probably drown it....but hopefully you get the point.


Try to water your plants every other day depending on the size and various other factors as Angus pointed out. I most certainly would not water them everyday. A good rule of thumb to follow is, when your plants are watered, wait for the soil to dry out before your next watering schedule. The top part of the soil is always dryer than the bottom. Also make sure your soil is moist and not spongy wet. Many on here have suggested the same thing, by letting the soil dry out before the next watering. Please do not give them 20 gallons a day especially if you're using 5 gallon pots. Hope this helps.