How much to Water

George W.

I wanted to know if a paticular watering scheduel wold work or would it drown my plants. I am using a soilless mixture of 3 parts bcuzz hydro mix, one part perlite, and one part vermiculite. The plants are in three inch mesh pots with a thin sheet of black plastic wraped around the outside side (sides only) and then placed into another mesh pot to hold the plastic in place. The bottom of the pots are still mesh alowing the roots to grow through the bottom. My reason for this is to ease the transplanting process by just planting the pot into a larger container and let the roots grow through. Some of the roots now are coming through the bottom and growing into the res positiond below. The res is aierated however the roots do not sit directly over the bubbles. The cups do not actualy sit in the water mabey a half inch above it. I have been currently watering only once a day and am letting the pots dry out between watering. I was told I should not let the pots dry out bc it might build up unwanted salts in my medium. I have had a problem with either nute burn and a lock out due to a number of things I feel I have under control (or at least a better understanding of now).

What I want to know is when using a drip system with a soilless mixture with plenty of drainage should I water way more frequently or continue to let the soil dry out before adding more water?

I was thinking to water for five minuets every one and a half hours to keep the soil wet enough that when watered there was always a contant drip out the bottom reducing the ability for nutes to build up in the medium. Is this a good idea or a bad on? should the water stream be more constant? Please let me know.

You can check out my grow journal under George W. Grow


George W. (and by the way in my parts George W. is another name for weed not any political affiliation on my part I dont believe in a goverment that has no room for weed in their agenda)

George W.

Can anyone give me any suggestions


George W. (and by the way in my parts George W. is another name for weed not any political affiliation on my part I dont believe in a goverment that has no room for weed in their agenda)


Active Member
George W. (and by the way in my parts George W. is another name for weed not any political affiliation on my part I dont believe in a goverment that has no room for weed in their agenda)
As we do believe in our country, most of us do not believe in our government either mate.

Since you are using a soiless medium I would think you would want the medium to be moist at all times since the roots have no soil to extract water from, make sure you are not giving them too many nutes as well, and if you are adding a series of different kinds of nutes, ease up on the stronger one just a tad. :leaf: