How much more growth can I expect?


This is my first time I've been successful growing a female. She just completed 5 weeks into flowering yesterday. Can anyone tell me if she looks like she is in good condition? So far, she is 24 inches (flowered at 12 due to smaller closet). I've got a 250hps about 8-10 inches from the top & am using combination of Big Bloom & Tiger Bloom. Also, this is an organic growth (Ocean Forest & Sphagnum Moss) in a 5 gal pot. This is the last week I plan on using the nutes. Next week, I plan on flushing with molasses (Blackstrap unsulphered) & then just watering with the molasses until harvest. I don't know the strain (bagweed), therefore I am regularly checking the trichomes. So far, all are still cloudy white. I am anticipating that she will be ready for harvest at the end of 8 weeks. The buds are definitely forming in multiple locations, however I was hoping they would be a little bigger. Especially using the molasses, will I see a strong increase in growth in the last 3-4 weeks? This is my first time, so I am bit naive, yet excited. Any idea what a possible yield could be (I know it's a hard question to answer). Shown below are pics of her...not the greatest, but then again not the best camera. Any advice or comments would be great! Thanks!



Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the size of your buds yet, its the last 2-3 weeks that they start to put on a lot of weight and puff up. Shouldn't get a lot more growth now as the plant will be concentrating on growing them buds so expect just a few more inches, say about 4-6 I would guess but who knows, depends on strain and conditions to much for anyone to guess accurately.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, its swell up time now. Your calyxes are gonna start getting real thick.. Looks good. Smoke well..