How Much Longer


Active Member
You can't know without checking the trichomes.This site is FULL of threads devoted to this very subject.


Well-Known Member
Plugs, Personally I'd say harvest in 4 weeks. Based on the look of your buds, they still have some growing to do. Cut off the big fan leaves that are reducing the light to the bud, and post pics back here in 3 weeks.


Active Member
Plugs, Personally I'd say harvest in 4 weeks. Based on the look of your buds, they still have some growing to do. Cut off the big fan leaves that are reducing the light to the bud, and post pics back here in 3 weeks.
3 months of flowering?

edit: i realized that thats just 12 baked, sorry lol...does anyone agree with hoochy?


Active Member
3 months of flowering?

edit: i realized that thats just 12 baked, sorry lol...does anyone agree with hoochy?

I do.

What strain is that? I mean no offense, but it looks like bagseed. If that's the case, you're buds will likely develop at different rates throughout the least, this has been my experience and looks to be the case for you. You may end harvesting the plant in sections.

You still have 3 weeks MINIMUM. I'd chop the unnecessary leaves as well. Anything that doesn't get direct light and is bigger than 2 inches, cut it off. Or, if a leaf looks more than half yellow, cut it off.

Hope that helps.