How much longer till harvest?


Well-Known Member
Here are a few pics. The strains are 2 Ice and 1 Snow White, both 9-11 week strains. They have been flowering for approx. 9 weeks now. I plan to give them an additional 2 weeks, chop the main colas and drop the lights. All advice is welcome. Thanks!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
thanks man but i already read it, so how long you think? Anyone ever done a staggered harvest before?

Illegal Smile

I think you have the right plan, just play it by ear.


Well-Known Member
thanks man but i already read it, so how long you think? Anyone ever done a staggered harvest before?
yeah bro i do it on every plant i grow. there is no sense in harvesting the entire plant at once, i actually harvest many times during flower as the buds mature differently. they look beautiful bro soo jealous of them. deff liking the choice in strains. good luck with your harvest and awesome job growing them


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, Im trying to be patient and get all I can out of my hard work. I keep hearing bigest mistake a new grower makes is harvesting too early.


Well-Known Member
wait 2 more weeks for sure. My rule is when you think its ready, wait another week

peace out


Well-Known Member
when i do a staggered harvest, should I just chop off the main colas or all of the top bud thats done?


Well-Known Member
i dont like to harvest in parts. I like to harvest the entire plant in one go. but if i was to do so i would chop all the top buds, and leave the bottom to finish, but generally if your waiting long enough everything should be pretty ripe in the same 2 weeks, so basically when you get close to the end of the harvesting window for the top buds, the bottom ones should be in the beginning of their harvest window.

good luck my friend,



Well-Known Member
I like to take sample buds at many different intervals, especially with new strains. You must dry and cure properly, however. Be as scientific as you can and you will have great information at your disposal for the next time you grow that plant. Like, hey, this one was great when cut at 9 weeks. Or, waiting another week on this plant made it taste worse.
I take a small bud, mark the date, dry and cure properly, and do a full report when it's ready to smoke. Sometimes I've found that I like certain strains a little bit early as compared to others. It's all personal preference and you should do whatever you need to learn more about the plant you are growing. No one will kill you for taking a sample bud. Just don't quick dry it!


Well-Known Member
thanks, have a sample drying as we speak actually. Have quick dried some too and it tastes like shit..