How much longer, pics


Active Member
Hey all, this plant has been flowering about 9 weeks, but had some major problems.
My first plant and I really messed with her lol.
Root-bound once in veg + once in flower, salt locked, soil to aero transfer and had a bad case of spider mites (mighty wash + no pest strip together seemed to work wonders, knock on wood)
All the fan leaves died off awhile ago, but she looks SO much better than before. I asked over 3 weeks ago and people said close to 3 weeks. I read the harvest tutorial and it's demonstration of "done" is a little different than others, so I wanted to get another opinion.

In a room with 5 other plants at the moment (they're 3 weeks into flowering) with 2 1000w lights + co2 (sealed room).

The plant is just full leaves except the tiny ones you see with the bud, is that normal? The buds feel pretty damn dense/heavy (heavier than I expected, but this is my first plant)

I check with my 60x magnifying glass and....don't know wtf I'm looking at rofl.

Anyway....sorry I ramble....about how long would you guess? I switched to water without nutrients for a flush about 3 days ago.



bud bootlegger
man, that thing has some nice sized buds.. i'd say a good two to three weeks on it as i still see a lot of white pistils that haven't receded yet..


Active Member
Ok cool. I'll keep waiting then :) Never much liked the patience thing...this new hobby much just have to teach me a thing or two.
Nice sized? Good...I wasn't sure if it was even worth saving her so glad to hear it!

Thanks a lot!


New Member
How long has the plant been growing with only "bud-leaves", and are the buds still growing?

I guess I'm wondering if leaves really matter much that late into flowering, you seem to have NONE but "bud-leaf".


Active Member
I'd say it lost the big leaves a month ago, maybe 5 weeks. They've definitely gotten bigger/heavier. She is definitely still hurting from the previously mentioned problems, she's tied up pretty good or she'd be too weak to hold some of her buds up :/

First picture was taken 4 weeks ago, second pic today.Third pic it looks like she's overwhelmed by the other plants (which I let veg too long, oops), but I tied them down around so she gets lots of light. Room is a little off cuz I had to paint some today.

Edit: Pics didn't end up in order posted but I'm sure you'll figure it out.



Well-Known Member
Looks good man. Id definetly say atleast a week or two.

once if gets closer to the end u will notice majority of pistils turn red/brown and start receding back into the bud instead of sticking straight up.


Active Member
Thanks Lost, you and racer both mentioned receded pistils, I must have skipped over that in other articles I read, I hadn't been looking for that so I appreciate you both mentioning that as a sign. I noticed just over the last day that more pistils have turned amber. So maybe that's a sign of the beginning of the end. Either way, I'm excited to see the transformation.

So off-topic question, not sure if it's appropriate here, if not, ignore me lol but I've been following the Stinkbud pound every 3 weeks plan (except with half the plants, same dimensions on everything though as full sized system)
So I was planning on taking 6 plants every three weeks and putting them into flowering, therefore harvesting a 9 week flowered plant every 3 weeks. Therefore, harvesting (shooting for 1.5o/) 9 oz every 3 weeks.
I LOVE the room so much more if I only have two flowering systems in the room with a middle hallway for ease of access to maintain/check/ogle plants. If I did a set of 6 plants every ~4.5 weeks and just allowed plants to get bigger, would I still be able to get close to same yield, assuming everything else is completely the same? I understand every situation is different, I just mean THEORETICALLY.
I'm flyin right if it doesn't make sense, sorry ....... but to elaborate on the question, if I meet expectations exactly, 18 plants in 8x8 room with 2k watts, 3 week harvests 9 ounces each = 3 ounces per week I'm getting half an ounce per week per plant. (counting as if they were 3 weeks of flowering only to make math easier....does that make sense?)
So if I did a 6 plants every 4.5 weeks for a total of 12 plants in an 8x8 area with 2k watts, .5 oz/wk x 4.5 wks = 2.25 oz per plant per harvest.

If I reach 1.5 oz per plant with 18 plants in the room, will 12 plants grow bigger in the same space and growing conditions making me able to get 2.25 oz per plant in the same amount of flowering?

Jesus...I shouldn't post when high.