How much longer does this juicy mama have left?


Active Member
Anyone have an idea how many more weeks she has left? Anyone know wtf strain this might be or a strain that it might be (looks like it). Also, I added a pic of a fan left that's having some problems and it's working its way up the plant, what's happening? My pH isn't any lower than 6.5 I think and probably no higher than 7. Some of the leaves show signs of over ferting (leaf edges are curling down and twisted growth), but then again the fan leaves are showing some kind of deficiency :sad:

Any suggestions??



Well-Known Member
Take a scope and check out the trichomes. By what I see and according MY experience, they still need some time, lots of white hairs but you can't really say unless you check out the crystals. Don't worry for the yellow leaves, it's normal at that stage, the plant focus on the flower not the leaves. You are doing fine! Strain could be a widow but what do I know!


Active Member
Take a scope and check out the trichomes. By what I see and according MY experience, they still need some time, lots of white hairs but you can't really say unless you check out the crystals. Don't worry for the yellow leaves, it's normal at that stage, the plant focus on the flower not the leaves. You are doing fine! Strain could be a widow but what do I know!
How do I know what too look for? All I have is a magnifying glass =\ Ya there are still lots of white hairs, earlier this week like 50% of the hairs were orange then like 2 days ago I gave it a shot of ferts and the white hairs started exploding, I swear there was like 4 hairs coming from 1 calyx. I think she probably has another 3 weeks left. Tomorrow will be 6 weeks of 12/12 and today is 4 weeks of actual flowering. Ever since she started flowering I've been watering every 3 days in a 2-1/2 gal pot, in veg I only watered every 5-6 days. I'm using good organic soil and I used FF:TB every other water. She was getting a little acidic half way through flower so I add a pinch of epsom salts every water. Next week I will add a little bit of FF:GB for the nitro.

She does look very widow, not a high yeilder but great looking buds. She does't smell sweet, it almost smells like a mix of plant and gasoline. It's honestly not that good to smell haha but I'm sure the buds will speak for themselves. I've been adding molasses every other water to sweeten her up. Does she look about right for the stage she's at? I was kinda expecting more trics from her but I thought maybe she's where she's supposed to be and the last 2 weeks is when she'll pump out her goodness.


Active Member
Update: Today marks the 7th week of 12/12, and a little over the 5th-1/2 week of actual flowering. From last week, all of the lower fan leaves have shriveled up and died, she's using a lot of N. Her main cola seems to just be getting fatter and fatter. She didn't look like a great plant in veg (very thick and short), but now I'm seeing first hand why everyone loves fat girls. :weed: I can no longer see any of her main stalk except the 2 inches by the soil. She filled out nicely =]

Yesterday I watered her with a huge shot of bloom and veg nutes, she enjoyed it. I really don't know when I should start my flush. I think she has 2 more weeks so I'm going to use plain water from here on out. Every other water I'll add molasses then I'll dry her out for a few days before chopping.

Does she look like she only has about 2 weeks left? I don't have a scope but about 50% of her hairs have turned orange, but new white hairs are coming out pretty fast still. Most of the trichs are still clear but about 40% are cloudy / milky, no amber trichs that I can see.

Also, has anyone ever harvested the top cola(s) first, then let the lower buds develop a few more days? The lower buds are starting to fill in and they're very frosty. I thought maybe the plant produces more trichs in those areas to protect the flowers, since it's less hospitable at the undergrowth.

Sorry for the long post... How does she look? Any advice?



Active Member
Well I'm a little over 7 weeks into 12/12 and about 5-1/2 weeks of actual flowering. Today when the lights went on I found 2 little pods growing from a calyx. My plant is so dense with buds and she's really late into flowering. What could possibly cause her to start turning hermie? Will a couple little pods here and there make a difference? I plucked the 2 off and I can really monitor her because I only have one plant and even if one of the pods popped there no other plant to polinate. Can she polinate herself? Are these pods going to pop with pollen or are they just seeds growing... I'll post a couple pics tomorrow of them close-up. They are just little nana's that don't have any trichs on them so they are easy to spot.


Active Member
from the pic you showed in the first post it looks like a magnesium def. of course i could be wrong but the way the veins were still green while the rest of the leaf was yellow says mg def. too much calcium can lock out mg.


Active Member
I made a smiley with a pistil but the little green pod is what I plucked off my plant (the other broken half is on the bottom of my finger). Is this going to be a problem this late? The first one I found was about 2 weeks ago, and yesterday I just plucked 2 more, so 3 in over 2 weeks... With only about 2 weeks left till harvest I doubt they will grow that fast in time to pop? Are these pollen sacs or seed sacs, and is it possible to pollinate itself?

