how much hash would i get ???


Active Member
i have 5 plants, but they are pretty tall and weak, i started bending them over though which is looking a lot better, i was told that i might not be able to get the ammount of bud i should get so like 1-1 1/2 oz and i was also told that a couple of my plants were completely bunk, my buddy grew some and it ended up with barely any thc and a shitty smell like the shit it came from. my other plants also came from some bunk shit with some seeds in it like you would have to smoke a huge blunt to get a buz similar to an average joint and it just hurt your throat. but the plant it came from was pretty much just thrown into a garden and started growing and wasnt tended to much.

mine are grown under the right conditions, do you think they are still gunna turn out to be like their mom?

If mine turns out like this, im gunna make some hash, i have a nice sized silk screen used for art class (tshirts and whatnot) if i only get about an oz how much hash do you think i might get?

thx sry about babbling on im pretty torched.:bigjoint:


Elite Rolling Society
I love to make hash, and I mostly use a kief box. I get about 4 grams from an ounce of trim leaves, if I work the pot while it is frozen, (I store it in the freezer for 4 hours if I am about to make hash)
I 've never used my buds for hash, just he leaves I manicure off the buds.
Of course the first two grams are higher grade than the next two.