How much does soil matter


Active Member
ive been using just random soil to grow in and today i bought some miracle grow fruit and vegetables to plant my clones in. How much does soil matter will i see a dramatic improvement in plants


Well-Known Member
I'm in my first grow and using MiracleGro fortified potting soil because I "didn't know any better"...

I actually did get some nute burn early, but the plants worked their way out of it and look great now. In fact, the two that don't look so great are the ones I transplanted out of the MG soil 'cause of the nute burn. I left the other "burned" one in its original pot, and it's looking great.

So, just be careful about overwatering. Get a moisture meter if you're new to growing, and don't argue with what it tells you. For pre-fertilized soil mixes like MG, the key thing is to NOT overwater -- watering these soils releases the nutrients, which little seedlings can't use right away. And, if they do burn, just plug on -- they'll probably pull out of it.


Well-Known Member
I always find that buying a compost with no food in any of the things that i add like peat and pearlite 50%com 25%peat 25% pearlite this has always served me well. I don't like buying any soils with food items i suppose im a control freak i like to know whats going in and i can control the ammount of feed.I feed my soil plants the same feed has my hydrophonic ststem get's it's called vitalink.a&b you will find these two feeds have everthing you need in them.