How much does marijuana cost in your area?


Well-Known Member
Here in central Texas I can get an ounce of outdoor for around $320-360. Indoor generally ranges from $320-420. I got some OG Kush and AK-47 the other day for 400 each. What's it like where you live?


Active Member
i'm in the uk, ist about £180 for a decent quality as low as £100 for lower quality. dunno what that is in $


Well-Known Member
Nothing, I grow mine. (other than nutrients and electricity costs)

I dont have a clue as to how much it costs other than what I read on here or in HT. I'm pretty sure its about 400 oz for the good stuff


Connecticut prices are around 320-400 for premium indoor and 200 for nice outdoor.anything lower i dont know because i havnt seen it in years.


Holy shit! I pay 140-180 for an ounce, maybe 200 depending on the time of year! And that's for the good stuff.

Illegal Smile

Ohio. You can get good bud for $300 an ounce and really dankity stuff for 400 when you can find it. People buying quarters and eighths are paying more than that.

The problem with this thread is that apples and oranges are being compared. No-one is selling ounces of what sells here for 300 for 140, just because they know they can get so much more. This is kind of like talking about how much wine costs in your area - what kind of wine?


Well-Known Member
black market....$50 an 1/8 pretty standard. when i break down and go to the club $65 and eight. when my closet is in, its all free baby!!! (less the cost of electric)


Well-Known Member
up here in WEED country (norhern cali) it goes from 250 - 400 an oz. depending onquailty and time of year its way cheaper after harvest season


Well-Known Member
WOW! Those are all some pretty high prices IMO. Detroit area, real good stuff maybe 150-160 an OZ, average everyday decent smoke runs maybe 100-120 an OZ. Harvest time for all the indoor growers here, super primo smoke hits as high as 200 an OZ, but those are very full sandwich baggies that barely hold the whole O. Guess there are SOME benefits to living in the crime capital of the US.
Haven't bought any weed for a long while.

Here in South Africa, couple of years ago my friends and myself went away
for a week long holiday in a remote rural area.

I then asks my friends where can we organize some weed, they laugh and
told me to asks anybody. So, I did. In the morning we went to ask the worker
of a farm, he then ask me how much we want, I put my hand in my pocket, and
find a US$ 6-00 bill (in what equivalent to our local currency), give it to the man and off he go.

By afternoon he come back, and I shit my pants when I saw the shopping bag of weed he come
back with! Don't have any scale there, but we think it must be close to a kilogram (2.2 pounds).

And wait for this, the weed turn out to be some very good stuff, I was smoke weed for a week,
from sunrise to bedtime. And there are plenty for everybody and some to brought home.

What are week, that go down to our memory book.

Even now in the city, weed are dirt cheap.

I had a heart attack, when I saw how much is weed cost in US!@#$

If I give someone US$400-00 for weed, he probably think I crazy and
off load the weed with a pickup truck.


Well-Known Member
Here in central Texas I can get an ounce of outdoor for around $320-360. Indoor generally ranges from $320-420. I got some OG Kush and AK-47 the other day for 400 each. What's it like where you live?
Why do people think that indoor is better than outdoor, just because it's indoor. That's not all, but people seem to think so, and the price reflects it. They can both be great if done right.

Illegal Smile

People think indoor is better than outdoor because it usually is. It doesn't have to be, as you say, but it almost always is. The reason is because outdoor weed includes a wide range of growing done wrong. It is more industrial, like the difference between Busch and the best micro-breweries. When you grow indoors you are making a large investment. Not just in money but in your time and effort because indoor plants have to be babied compared to outdoor plants. Indoor growers are more likely to take the extra steps for economic reasons, not because they are inherently better growers or because indoors is an inherently better environment.


Well-Known Member
People think indoor is better than outdoor because it usually is. It doesn't have to be, as you say, but it almost always is. The reason is because outdoor weed includes a wide range of growing done wrong. It is more industrial, like the difference between Busch and the best micro-breweries. When you grow indoors you are making a large investment. Not just in money but in your time and effort because indoor plants have to be babied compared to outdoor plants. Indoor growers are more likely to take the extra steps for economic reasons, not because they are inherently better growers or because indoors is an inherently better environment.
Yea, I see what you're saying. I'd be more inclined to pay top dollar for outdoor that somebody has babied compared to indoor that was babied. That's just me. They're both good, but between good in and outdoor, there shouldn't be such a price diff. That's silly.


Well-Known Member
The outdoor we always run across can be identified by smell and sight, there is just something about it that has that....outdooriness to it. I've had great outdoor, but for some reason it always fetches less per oz, even though it passes as $60 an eighth when broken down into smaller bags.

Moral of the story, weed in most places in the US is outrageously priced, where as those who spend a little time and effort using the search button reap the bountiful harvest


Well-Known Member
280 for really REALLY good shit.... oz

for regular it's 100....oz

for crappy ass grass 60 per oz....

it depends on who you know, and how much they like you...


Well-Known Member
I agree. Sadly I'm in the know and prices are still what they are, when I was first meeting new connections I'd have the occasional ludicrous offer thrown out at 440 or higher. The nerve of some people..