How much do you usually cook with?


New Member
I've recently been cooking about 5g to 10 - 15 cookies and then eating atleast 2 - 3 but I still feel as if this must be a weak edible high.

How much would you use to 15 cookies :)?


Active Member
I do all my cooking at the end of the season when I have a lot of plant matter, stems, and popcorn buds.

The thing to know about cooking, is that thc is FAT SOLUBLE.
So, cook it into something very fatty.
You'll want to dry it out and process it first too... I run everything through a coffee grinder...

If you are making cookies,,,,cook it into butter.. BUT cook it LONG before you want to make the cookies...
you dont want to rush the process. (Especially since butter should cool a little..unless you want fucked up cookies.)

The question really isnt "how much pot does it take to make 15 cookies"..
The question is "how much BUTTER does it take to make 15 cookies.
The process of making "Cannabutter", you will cook the goodness into the butter, then strain all the green OUT and let the butter reform.

You were using about 5g of bud... then I would say you arent using enough.
If you were to half the basic recipe...I would suggest a 14g minimum for 2 sticks of butter
(which is the average needed for most cookies)

side note about cooking with ganja:
I prefer to boil my ganja in whole milk. yeah, it sounds nuts....
but WOW at the high.... being an older 'head' I rarely get 'high' anymore off of reefer...
so when I get dry mouth, paranoid, munchies, and want to jam all at the same time... I know I got some good stuff!!
(kind of like this:

but anyway.. off topic.

the ratio is usually around 1oz of bud or plant matter.. for every pound of butter.
do some research on temps and get a good thermometer... you don't want to burn it...but you want it hot enough to escape the thc/cbd into the fat cells...
and the length of cooking and patience when straining are important too...

for anyone interested... my ratio for the milk is about 1oz ganja per cup of milk... 1:2 will work though

..if you do edible correctly, you will know it.. because you will get higher than you've EVER got....