how much cash is 50mg of 5meodmt worth?


New Member
cool its frog sauce so im not really getting it very often. but for friends that have already tried once free? $per hit? erowid says 50mg is about 3 strongass doses or 6 medium doses. i mean 4-5 good doses of organic 5meo? just 10$? this scale rules with the .00 goin on.
nice vids the other day anc those 5 in a row there, although some of those people sound insane to me!! i like the one about how we were meant to find it since its ancient and everything makes it. weird planet i wonder if aliens have fun stuff like this on their planet


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt charge if the hits are for buddies, but $5 a hit is a fair price. 15mg is a real nice dose.

I'm loosely going off the fact I can get a gram for $80


Well-Known Member
Toad venom contains a mixture of 5-MeO-DMT and Bufotenin (5-OH-DMT). So the value might either increase or decrease depending on the psychoactive range of the Bufotenin alkaloid when smoked and the amount found in the venom which I could not find on wikipedia (yeah I know wikipedia isn't a valid source but I'm to lazy to look into it further right now).


New Member
any clue on that? worth more or less because of the buf? id like to know what that does to the value compared to straight 5? since its from a hopper i wont get it more than 3-4 times a year, with about 50mg each time. If crickets/mice are 20 bucx a month thats about 60 bucks (3 months) for my 50mg. i dont mind at all if shes short on rent, but it would be nice to cover the cricket money with the friken dmt!!!


Well-Known Member
Sorry man I have no experience with 5-MeO-DMT or 5-OH what so ever. If your selling it to friends I doubt they would be able to tell much of a difference unless they've smoke 5-MeO on numerous occasions.


Well-Known Member
any clue on that? worth more or less because of the buf? id like to know what that does to the value compared to straight 5? since its from a hopper i wont get it more than 3-4 times a year, with about 50mg each time. If crickets/mice are 20 bucx a month thats about 60 bucks (3 months) for my 50mg. i dont mind at all if shes short on rent, but it would be nice to cover the cricket money with the friken dmt!!!
In all honesty you could do $10 a hit no problem, maybe even $15 if you have ignorant friends :p


New Member
i havent met many people whove smoked a frogger... even my experienced friends havent tried that one
im thinkin 10 a hit- i mean the shit fucks you up and i need crickets so... i think its worth it... ive never sold any so far its kind of hard since you need a special pipe, and college kids im around these days are puuussssiiiieeeeessss when it comes to doin drugs!


Well-Known Member
I'd charge more for the frog 5meo, its a much nicer and more organic feeling experience than the lab made stuff.
Its one of the substances you only get hold of here in africa if you know somebody... unless you wanna order the lab shit from some scary chinese factory.