how much Calmag does everyone use?


seached for it, but there seems to be no definite answer. I have RO, starting water is at 27ppm. I am adding 5ml/gal of calmag, plants seem ok, but not super green and healthy. botanicares website says 3-7ml with their own nutes. I am using Cutting Edge.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
I use 0, because I use GH Floranova, which has plenty of calcium and magnesium in it.

Also use RO water, and follow the Lucas Formula guidelines.

Never understood why nute manufacturers wouldn't all put plenty of cal and mag in their base nutes - boggles my mind.


Well-Known Member
seached for it, but there seems to be no definite answer. I have RO, starting water is at 27ppm. I am adding 5ml/gal of calmag, plants seem ok, but not super green and healthy. botanicares website says 3-7ml with their own nutes. I am using Cutting Edge.
I use 1 teaspoon per gallon every watering. :weed: