how much 6% hydrogen peroxide will i use?


Active Member
i know iknow!!! i should use stonger stuff but just cant right now... thats why im asking... i have 6% and a 100L tank hydro set. how much should i put in.. also is it really worth doing? my water is about 15 degres i havent had any problems just started flowering 2 weeks ago, so i dont want to get any problems eather thats why i was going to put the 6% hydrogen peroxide!. also im told it adds agreat deal of o2 to the water as well that has to be good... any info would be great


Well-Known Member
If using the 29% H2O2, I use 3ml per gallon twice weekly. So if your looking at 6% H2O2, you should use 5 times as much.