How Many To A Flower Spot?


Ok, so im not sure if this has ben asked yet.. im pretty sure it hasn't... I have these two big pots...there about 4ft across both ways.. .. BUT.. my question is.. can i plan more than one plant in these? i will be putting ak-47 and northern lights in them... I put exactly six 5 gallon buckets full of dirt in them before it was full.. and since everyone says they grow in 5 gallon buckets from what i've seen... So i should be able to put at least 2 or 3 plants in there right? I know the idea is to only put two or 3 in one spot then move like say 100 yards or so and put another set

PLEASE know that im new and its ok if you laugh at me.. lol. :clap: but just be nice about it if you don't mind..
im in Georgia by the way if this helps some how?

and while were at it.. im growing northern lights,ak-47, and going to attempt to grow around 100 bag seeds.. the ones that germinate that is... my question is... i read NL was easy to grow for newbies like me.. but what about ak-47? should i try something easier like low rider or something in that nature.. i all ready have the seeds... But i have all the buckets and the $ for the soil.. and the spots picked out.. I live in BFE so i should be set.. just choppers fly around here ALOT so any help at all would be good... unless its pack up and go home :) lol..

thanks to all who read and reply! :)
Do around 5 or so at a time spread about two weeks apart so you can learn from mistakes you might make.
Thats a very good point.. I will be doing that!! Didn't think of that!! i was just going to plant them all and do them all a little different.. but if i do it your way.. then i can kind of see as i go along what im doing wrong.. very good advice friend.. thank you very much!!! :)


Well-Known Member
just wanted to add. Jorge Cervantes has a great video about things you will want to know or think about before you get going outdoors. Its called the ultimate grow guide and i think its the 2nd dvd of 3

the whole thing is about an hour long and prolly has multiple segments on the site.
Thanks man
you've ben a big help!!!

far as strains go.. would any one say i picked good ones? i know the bag seeds don't count cause idk what they are.. just good weed i've smoked over the last month or so... But i've heard yay on that ak-47 and 48 but i've also heard na on it!! :( so im lost lol :)

thanks to all who have read this AND EVEN MORE THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS HELPED!! :D