How many risks have you taken buying seeds?


Active Member
I'm trying to get a feel for how much risk people have taken purchasing seeds. Personally I don't have that many ways of minimizing risk and I'm still very concerned after reading Mane's thread on the right way to buy seeds.

I'm curious how others have done it, but don't want you all to fess up to everything. So instead, add up the numbers below that apply to you and reply with the total. Or don't. But it would help me more if you do.

5 - paid w/your credit or debit card
3 - paid by gift or money order
1 - paid by cash via mail

5 - no stealth options
3 - stealth w/o "free gift"
1 - stealth w/"free gift"
0 - stealth w/premium gift

5 - home address, where grow will occur
3 - home address, grow elsewhere
1 - friend's house, drop spot, etc.

5 - Used your name
3 - Used a name associated with delivery address
1 - Used some random kid's name

10 - more than twice, and scored 5 on Address
5 - more than twice, less than 5 on address
3 - twice
1 - just the once

Add 20 if you've lost a shipment and continued to grow at the address delivered!

I'm curious how many of you score higher than 15.

Thanks in advance, whoever responds...




Well-Known Member
i ordered offf my credit card, in my name to my house where i was growing, during the whole anthrax mailings after 911 i had no problems at all. although now looking back it was an unescisary risk

sorry 36 is my total what number do you find ok to take a risk at


Well-Known Member
zero, I'm in Canada, I can just drive down to the seedbank walk in buy my seeds and in 20 minutes have them planted.


Well-Known Member
Not sure of my total, but I always take a decent amount of caution when ordering seeds. Here are some general adivce that I have from years & years of ordering seeds without *knock on wood* any problems. Always pay with a Money Order. Always send to a friends/family members house where the grow isn't located. Always use your real name, because if the postal workers can't find the person/address that the company sent to, they will get sent back, then probably found out in customs. Just because you put your real name down isn't a piece of incriminating evidence against you. And it is actually much safer to, so you know the mail is getting to you.

Like I said, I've been ordering this way for about 10 years now with no problems.


Well-Known Member
I'm from Canada too, no risk. I just call the RCMP (cops with horses) and get them to pick up my Pick n Mix order from Customs. That way there's no risk of me dropping the seeds on the way home.

And they ususally bring me a Tim Horton's Coffee! Sometimes they hit the Volcano with me if it's too cold to keep the patrol car's windows down when they're smoking a joint. I always tell them to stay away from smoking joints when they're on duty, it makes them wacky. Gotta stick to hash when you're a cop on the job, it's something Canada could teach the rest of the world. It's great to be Canadian.


I believe in stealth, especially keeping your mouth shut, but we shouldn't fool ourselves into thinking it's a cloak of invisibility.

I scored 30 on your test CG, if I were from the US I would scored less than 5.




Well-Known Member
dam i wish i was friends wit the cops like u lol. my scores 0 btw cause i buy my seeds from the seedbank or my connect gets me seeds.


Active Member
I wouldn't even answer that question. Who has time to come up with some stuff like that except for a Fed. Come again, Mr. or Mrs. Federal agent.


Well-Known Member
21-debitcard,myname,home address where i grow, twice, no worries
What he said, except more than twice over here. Awhile back I got a customs letter from a Dr. Chronic order and turned around and ordered seeds from another spot to the same address the same day.

Not enough Homeland security assholes to go around.


Active Member
I wouldn't even answer that question. Who has time to come up with some stuff like that except for a Fed. Come again, Mr. or Mrs. Federal agent.
I was waiting for that response. Suffice to say, no, I'm not. I'm a long time partaker who's found himself in a place in his life where the risks of growing are nearly on par with trying to find a connect.

I apologize if my english is too proper, but I'm a college-educated adult. You know, the type who contributes anonymously to various legalization efforts, the guys who underwrote Cali's medical initiatives... in short, a good guy.

I don't post much here becasue getting to an anonymous connection is difficult and I have a lot of reasons to be discreet.

Thanks again to those who've posted. And no, I don't really think that such a question would be the type of thing you'd see from the Fed. That's the type of question you'd see from someone who wants some reassurance that others have done what he's thinking of doing and haven't had any trouble.

Thanks all who have contributed so far, this is very helpful.



Active Member
BTW, when I do, I'll be at a 16. I find that score pretty sweat-inducing, but I really don't have many other avenues - you see, I'm an "upstanding citizen" in a strange land, and any steps I might take to reduce risk could increase it (i.e., nobody I'm really tight enough to ask to receive a package for me on the dl.)

So that's the reason for the post.

I was also REALLY pissed to find that gift cards now require you to activate them by providing name, address, etc. (some even ask for you SSN, like the Green Dot cards they sell at CVS). I've given a bunch of gift cards, but haven't received any general (Visa/MC) so I was unaware of that. I had been pretty comfy with the idea of using a fairly anonymous gift card, but when it became clear that it's no less risky than using your own debit/credit, I got more stressed.

You guys with the money orders - don't you need to provide all your I.D. on that as well?