How many plants/sq. ft. with SOG


Active Member
What is the most plants you can have per sq. ft. doing a SOG, and would a perpetual harvest SOG be best for a room appx. 11' x 5'


Active Member
From what i have read its good to have 1 plant every square foot, but I was wondering if any one else had some input on this.
I have an area of 4ft. x 6ft. and I have 40 plants flowering at different stages for each 10 plants, of course cause i am doing the sog method.
They seem to be doing fine. i have them in 8 in. 2 gallon pots under a 1000 watt hps. I am not experiancing any molding or any other problems that i can tell as of yet. Just would like some proffessional input on my setup. Is this too many plants per sq. ft...I will be harvesting 10 every two weeks.


Well-Known Member
as long as you keep the air movent good an clip unnessecry leave' many plants as possible..i suggest using only 1gal size flipping the plants at 8-12inches...peace az


Active Member
Is their anyone who dissagrees, and thinks that 40 plants in 8 in. pots in a 6ft.x4ft. area is to crowded? what are the advantages of 1 plant every square ft. as far as weight, potency ect..

Zoomin Loomen

Active Member

If your concern is number of plants it makes sense to spread fewer plants over a larger area and extend your veg time to maximize yield.


Active Member
well, which gives a better yield, a tight, well trimmed SOG or plants farther apart and let to bush out?


Well-Known Member
if your using clone i would use 6" pots and fill your area tits full which is 4 per square foot,or if your using seeds to full growth plants go with 2 gallon bags and youl get about 2 per square foot.


Well-Known Member
sog gives you your yield faster but isn't quite as much as maximizing plant size... however the speed it gives you is worth the sacrafice of yield as you get it so much faster.


Well-Known Member
im going to attempt 4.5 - 5 per square foot.:twisted::twisted: :hump::hump:

probably going to be taking small clones, sending straight to flower with massive trimming, training if needed. Lollipop is going to be a must!!!!!

i will leave NOTHING over an inch. no branch, no leaf, nothing!