How Many cfl light bulbs and how many watts do I need in all for 1 plant in a pc box


Title says it all, I'm doing my first grow in a pc grow box, I think I finally have most of this figured out after about 3 weeks of research. I just need a little help with watering schedules, watering amounts and lighting. Please help asap I'm hoping to start by this weekend. P.s. If u have AIM please add str8modder, Im willing to give 10 dollars paypal to anyone who can help.


Well-Known Member
Your bulbs will depend on your space. If you can fit a high wattage bulb thats great, but then you have to worry about heat, so maybe two lower wattage bulbs.

In the beginning, one light will be fine, but once it gets a little bigger you'll want to have a top and side(or 2) light for flowering out.

Just have to find the balance of heat to water evaporation to space. The more light the better for the plant.


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert, but i've read 100w per plant... but like gidget says depends on the size of your case. It also depends on the brand(i know that sounds strange) some of my 100w's didn't fit in my case.. GL to ya.


Ive been growing mine for 3 weeks with one 60 watt 6500k CFL and i think she's been ok. I just added two more tho. The more the better, right?
you could just set up like 3 or 4 26 watt cfls and that wouldn't be insanely hot and would give off a nice amount of lumens